Example sentences of "[conj] the [noun] [adv] [vb pp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 This should ideally be dealt with under the insurance provisions , but should it appear in the provisos , the tenant should ensure that it is a bilateral right and that in any event the landlord shall not be permitted to terminate the lease until it has taken all reasonable measures to procure the rebuilding or reinstatement of the centre or the part so destroyed or damaged ( as appropriate ) .
2 The birds had told me Diggs had left a few minutes earlier , so I ran back the quick way to the house , where the lights all burned as usual .
3 Mr Palmer told the jury of eight men and four women that the pathologist also found that she was carrying a normally developed male child of between 30 and 32 weeks .
4 It is equally astonishing that the Germans never guessed that we were breaking the Enigma code .
5 ‘ I can not believe that the legislature ever intended that the powers contained in paragraph 1 , with the sanction of criminal penalties , should or could be invoked to obtain information or documents of a potentially incriminating nature from one who had already been cautioned and charged with offences under the Act …
6 However , it must also be recalled that the Prince always hoped that as time went on and his wife 's interests expanded , she would become a figure in her own right , carrying out independent duties .
7 It was reported that the judge specifically ordered that the girl should not be named .
8 The project was a complete success in that the Russians never suspected that their Moscow traffic was being read .
9 There was no adequate trading base for this financial performance , and it is most unlikely that the promoters ever thought that there was .
10 In the previous chapter it was emphasised that the authorities deliberately promoted and condoned violence , crime and racketeering in order to alienate both terrorist and legitimate political opponents of the government from their natural sympathisers .
11 The Spanish Armada was defeated so decisively that the English often reckoned that their command of the sea began then , although it was never secure until the end of the seventeenth century .
12 The first of these is that the word generally translated as ‘ carpenter ’ does not , in the original Greek , mean merely a woodworker .
13 It is relevant to note that the RSPB recently reported that some managers of grouse moors were deliberately killing one of Britain 's rarest birds of prey — the Hen Harrier .
14 It must be taken that the Commissioners honestly believed that the defendant was personally liable , and really intended to take legal proceedings against him , as they had done against Goble .
15 It 's none of my business — but I would stress that the IRA never requested that I buy any such items for them . ’
16 Although the Emperor had been slightly cool at the first meeting — boutonné was how the Queen described it — Eugénie was full of charm , ‘ so amiable , so clever and agreeable ’ that the atmosphere soon warmed and there was , apparently , a frank exchange of views between Napoleon III and Victoria about the various strains in the Anglo-French Entente .
17 Several trial runs were carried out on Anerley Hill , to test the special anti-run-back brakes , with which they were fitted , using trolleybus No. 65 , which was purposely dewired several times on the hill to make sure that the brake really worked and for the benefit of the press .
18 However , complete interpretation of the statement Mary noticed that her lip was bleeding requires the bridging inference that the teacher actually struck and hurt Mary .
19 This was held to be incorrect , but irrelevant ; incorrect , because a mere sense of alarm was insufficient to give rise to a fear of a breach of the peace , and irrelevant because the justices had found ( or there was evidence from which they could have found ) that the constables reasonably believed that the defendant 's own behaviour was likely to constitute a breach of the peace .
20 The court might equally have said that the defendant also realised that what he was doing was obstruction , since the police had told him so .
21 Averment that everything necessary happened to entitle the plaintiff to have the said testator pay to him eighteen of the yearly sums of £150 and that the time therefore elapsed after he had married Ellen Nicholl and during the testator 's lifetime and that plaintiffs annual income from his profession as a Chancery barrister never amounted to 600 guineas ; that the testator paid 12 of the 18 annual sums and part of the thirteenth but that the residue of that and the 5 subsequent instalments were due and unpaid .
22 While the Romans are described as being tributary , it seems that the lands which had originally been granted to free-born Franks had been exempt from tax , and that the Franks subsequently assumed that any lands which they came to hold were similarly exempt .
23 The finding that the smooth muscle MHC gene encodes multiple isoforms suggests that the proteins originally designated as SM1 and SM2 MHC probably represent multiple forms which can not be separated by one dimensional SDS-PAGE analysis .
24 One possibility is that the DGSE somehow hoped that by buying the dinghy in London blame for the operation would be placed on MI6 , although in this case it would have made more sense to buy one made in Britain .
25 It being reported to this Meeting that the Peck Measures of the different corners of Islay do not agree in size , & that many of them are deficient of the Legal Standard Measure of this Country-In order to remedy this evil it is recommended that in place of the Heaped Peck commonly used that a streak measure answering exactly to the standard measure of Islay shou 'd be substituted in place of the Heap measure , & in order to carry this Resolution into Execution the Meeting do hereby appoint the following Committee … it is earnestly recommended to these Gentlemen to have the different Pecks of the different Parishes brought to the proper Streak measure , and to have these pecks Branded with Shawfield 's Iron , and this being once done it is recommended to the said Committee to cause publish at the Parish Churches that if any person within their Bounds shall Sell or Buy with any other peck than the Peck so ascertained & stamped , that they shall be Fined at the discretion of the Baron Baillie of Islay
26 Council 's papers , though not its proceedings , seem to be proving more open than the Institute ever intended when it introduced its sunshine policy last summer .
27 It also contributed to a shift in opinion at the Ministry of Education away from the curtailment or freezing of grant towards modest and flexible expansion — and the Eastern District was able to take advantage of the new grant regulations which followed the Report in 1955 to achieve a level of aid a few percentage points higher than the 75% hitherto regarded as standard .
28 Guidelines on flexible and part-time work by the Law Society were urged , although the society recently observed that it ‘ can not legislate for social benefits . ’
29 Although the CEGB immediately denied that there had been any unreported incident at the power station , the effect of the health authority report was electric .
30 Although the royalists later alleged that the rebels had that morning received ‘ a double portion of oatmeal and whisky for incouragement ’ and that a ‘ graite many … that we took prisoners were drunk ’ , these must have been a fortunate minority , but everyone agrees that the prospect of action had had a reviving effect on even the hungriest and weariest .
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