Example sentences of "[conj] in [pron] [noun] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Act of 1967 does not specify at what stage , or how often or in what form the consultation is to take place , but the subsection implies that it should be after the Secretary of State has received the recommendation of the Parole Board .
2 And he would sing to himself in his house or in his boat the song which his father had taught him many years ago .
3 surprising proposition is not merely that pastoral peoples do in fact show a fastidiousness with regard to the excremental functions which is totally unknown among primeval hunter-gatherers and rarely seen among agriculturalists ( although in their case the situation is complicated by subsequent introduction of domesticated animals ) , but that toilet-training and the mastery of the anal sphincter is , as we know from observation of our own children , intimately involved with sadistic instinctual trends and consists in the child accepting self-censorship of his anal and excremental drives .
4 There had been , albeit tenuously , a link between us in that we were both coached at one time by Scottish coach , Bill Moss , although in my case the association was a relatively fleeting one , of which , quite sensibly , he has no recollection .
5 Some concern has been expressed that in its transposition the idiom of Taizé may seem musically and liturgically slight , because it has been separated from the particular spirituality of which it is part .
6 Crystal and Davy on the other hand are focusing on the language of a few speakers well known to them , and it may well be that in their case the nature of the personal ties between investigator and subject makes candid recording a less pressing ethical issue .
7 exemption from the requirement to prepare group accounts in respect of a year in which the group headed by the company is a small or medium-sized group so long as the auditors have reported that in their opinion the company is entitled to the exemptions and their report is attached to the company 's individual accounts .
8 Manu , the famous ancient Hindu law-giver , said that in her childhood the woman must be under the control of her father ; in her adult life she must be under her husband 's control and in her old age her son must control her .
9 One of the things that does , I 'm not being Chairman , just asking questions , but one of the things that slightly concerns me because I know that in his document the director has put about providing day care type facilities in rural areas and I remember at our last meeting , the last meeting at one , we discussed specifically and area , erm it does , does worry me a little whether the absence of any capital expenditure on our part means that we may be providing day care facilities in some areas but it 'll be of a very much lower quality or a lesser quality than we may be providing anywhere else in the areas like and and .
10 Henry might have known that in his case the operation would prove a little more complicated .
11 To revert to my opening discussion for a moment , one might say that the conflict between the drives of the id and the demands of the cultural superego represented above all in the taboos on incest and aggression against the father has become severely exacerbated and that , if Freud felt that in his day the balance was too far on the side of society and the superego , today it has swung too far in the direction of the individual and the id ; for it is clear that a balance between these two opposing fundamental forces is the essence of human existence .
12 Wrangham writes that in his observations the mounter could be either older or younger than the partner and that approaches were made in situations commonly lacking in social tension .
13 Braque , on the other hand , has used Cézanne 's technique of opening up the contours of objects , so that in his paintings the eye slips inwards and upwards from plane to plane without having to make a series of abrupt transitions or adjustments .
14 There was no system of licensing and anyone could embalm. asked how NVQ 's would effect membership of the Institute and stated that in his opinion the number of members of the Institute would decline .
15 He said that in his opinion the lift had stopped due to the lift buttons being pressed rapidly and randomly , or through a mechanical fault .
16 But he tempered the apprehensiveness with a shrug-of-the-shoulders-and-oh-what-the-hell attitude which told me that in his view the experience , and not the heroics of the impression he might create , was what mattered , was what he would enjoy , was what he had come for .
17 I suggest that the Hon. Gentleman goes to Holyhead and explains that in his view the priority should have been given to the television studios and not to Holyhead .
18 Is my hon. Friend aware that in my constituency the majority of people infinitely prefer the council tax to Labour 's alternative — the so-called fair rates , which are nothing but a return to the dreaded rating system that we had before , and which was especially hated in the south of England ?
19 It follows from what I have said that in my view the outcome of this appeal depends upon whether or not the court can look at Parliamentary material .
20 He said to me in , I suppose , 1947 or 1948 : ’ If you enter politics , you will find that in your lifetime the world will become a very small place .
21 ( a ) references to signatures , inscription and dates refer to the present state of the work ; ( b ) the term ‘ bears a signature ’ and/or ‘ date ’ and/or ‘ inscription ’ means that in our opinion the artist 's name and/or ‘ date ’ and/or inscription have been added by another hand ; ( c ) the term ‘ signed ’ and/or ‘ dated ’ and/or ‘ inscribed ’ means that in our opinion the signature and/or date and/or inscription are from the hand of the artist .
22 ( a ) references to signatures , inscription and dates refer to the present state of the work ; ( b ) the term ‘ bears a signature ’ and/or ‘ date ’ and/or ‘ inscription ’ means that in our opinion the artist 's name and/or ‘ date ’ and/or inscription have been added by another hand ; ( c ) the term ‘ signed ’ and/or ‘ dated ’ and/or ‘ inscribed ’ means that in our opinion the signature and/or date and/or inscription are from the hand of the artist .
23 It follows from what we have said that in our judgment the decision of the judge to stay the proceedings in the instant case was wrong .
24 ‘ It follows from what we have said that in our judgment the decision of the judge to stay the proceedings in the instant case was wrong .
25 I am sure that the Minister will recall that I said a few moments ago that in our view the role of regional government is not delivery of services .
26 The Act empowered the Secretary of State to put a limit on the amount if in his opinion the amount proposed to be raised was ‘ excessive ’ according to principles he determined which were to be the same for all authorities falling within the same class .
27 The ‘ state ’ thus becomes literally a bone of contention between opposed interests , both of whom want control over it in order to decide what precisely its role shall be and in whose interest the market shall be managed .
28 This was printed privately in a limited edition of 250 copies , and in its preface the author expressed his gratitude to his father and to his eldest brother , Charles William Boase [ q.v. ] , ‘ for their great kindness in conjointly defraying the cost of printing this work which I claim to be an important contribution to the English biography of the nineteenth century ’ .
29 Their results and the data from the first stage will be used to test how far and in what way the experience of the NICs can be a model for their successors .
30 One strand of modern research has devoted itself to the ferociously difficult task of building formal models that precisely state the conditions that are necessary and sufficient for competition to work , and describe whether and in what sense the result is ‘ efficient ’ .
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