Example sentences of "[conj] a [noun] has [vb pp] from " in BNC.

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1 Rarely has it ever been recorded that a fatality has occurred from snakebite during the festival ; the Cobras appear to know that they are being revered .
2 However , sometimes the knowledge that a horse has acquired from its own species brings an unexpected result for the horse when used in relation to us .
3 Since 1950 the number of those unemployed for more than a year has increased from 34,000 to more than a million at the start of this year .
4 About erm eighteen months , two years ago a report was published , the Cockroft Report , this is the same Sir Wilfred Cockroft who 's chairing the Examination erm Council , which looked into the teaching of mathematics at all level in the country and it was an extremely good report and a lot has followed from it .
5 The mouth may be in need of care if a person has suffered from one or more of the following :
6 In just a few short years , the average hospital stay after a baby has dropped from eight to ten days in 1982 , to just three to four in 1989 .
7 After an insect has emerged from the egg the completed head shows few indications of a segmented origin apart from the fact that it carries paired appendages .
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