Example sentences of "[conj] a [noun] for [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah I would agree with that but I do n't think there is er any excuse for a woman to or a man for that matter to say women deserve rape says M P's wife .
2 Besides this they collect lambs and sucking pigs , wool and flax ; from every house where there is wool , a fleece , and in the fence month , from every house a penny , or a farthing for each pig .
3 A Soviet legal specialist wrote in 1958 , for example , that the neutralisation of a certain territory was formed by an agreement between two or more states not to transform the territory concerned , which was generally of strategic significance , into a theatre of military operations or a base for such operations .
4 Entrants were henceforth required to prove either that they had enough currency for a temporary stay , or a visa for another country .
5 ‘ You both have that golden skin , but yours makes one think of lovely geometrical planes , you 're all bone , she 's got bone too , but what one sees most is contour and colour — no , you are not remotely the same type , she could never be painted by a Modigliani or a Loulou , or a Piero for that matter , she is something between a Titian and a Gainsborough . ’
6 I was always her property , but I could make an evening , or an afternoon for that matter , swing for all the ladies .
7 Hopefully the new home which you are now considering as a prospective purchase will be suitable for your needs in every way , but it may well be that a need for some renovation or refurbishment is indicated from the surveyor 's report or that you will wish to make improvements or alterations of your own .
8 The persons solicited in this way reacted with annoyance , perhaps indicating that they supposed that they were being solicited for the purposes of prostitution ( the magistrates having found as a fact that ‘ it would be impossible for anyone so touted or solicited without enquiry to appreciate the purpose of the solicitation , and that a solicitation for this purpose in the circumstances of time and place was such an affront that it might provoke a breach of the peace . ’ )
9 After all , he was a serving liaison officer between the CIA and the White House , even if he had been little more than a sleeper for several years .
10 Given a decent summer , a top English Seyval Blanc or Huxelrebe is more than a match for most Muscadets or Soaves .
11 I am now working with the Chairman , with external advisers , to make sure the principles of the design of the new structure and a vision for each part are further developed .
12 What the Record of Achievement has provided is a context for positive discussion and a location for each child to record success .
13 If it 's still possible to book erm , two doubles and a twin for this weekend or are you booked up ?
14 Interestingly , towards the end of our period of observation the project team resolved to improve the quality and quantity of information received from Inspectors and Area Education Officers and a pro-forma for this purpose was proposed .
15 At the final count , there was £600 in the kitty , and a cheque for this amount was presented to Nursing Officer Christine Maclean ( left ) by Manager Ewen Munro ( second left ) .
16 I have a reasonable body ( it falls into the ‘ I 've no complaints ’ category ) the appetite of a dinosaur and a loathing for most forms of self denial .
17 ‘ Amon. aromat. and a wheelchair for that dresser over there .
18 The binding of items emerged as the second most important reason for their non-availability , accounting for around one in five ( 21% ) of unsatisfied requests , while the Library 's inability to locate items when they were requested ( 10% ) , and a tendency for some readers to submit requests for items not appearing in the Library 's catalogues ( 10% ) were additional reasons which occurred with some frequency .
19 Basically it is an accessory to the already solid connection between band and fans , a confirmation that the band exist as real working people and a chance for both sides to voice their appreciation of the other .
20 In summary , replication banding of embryonic fibroblast cells provides the best means of locating unique sequences in an unmarked mouse genome and a protocol for this method is described in Table 8 and the results illustrated in Figure 7a .
21 Explosive devices were planted in both central London and the suburbs ; targets included the top security police station at Paddington , a number of railway stations , the theatre area of London and a club for former soldiers .
22 The net result we are told will be an increase in rent for most council tenants in rural areas and a decrease for all tenants in Fleetwood .
23 More significant were public perceptions of successive " crises " in the NHS and a desire for more choice over the timing of treatment and the " hotel " aspects of hospital services .
24 It is apparent that there is considerable latent public interest in " renewable " energy systems and a desire for more information .
25 Sleeping and living quarters for the crew were in the crew coach , with fifteen bunks in tiers of three , tables and forms , and a locker for each man 's kit .
26 Tittle ( 1986 ) sees adolescent girls ' increasingly negative attitudes and lowered expectations of success in maths as an outcome of experiences in and outside education , and a filter for many performance differences in adolescence .
27 Now that had to be manned by a driver and a conductor for that day .
28 So the wireless is not as good as a lead for that sound . ’
29 Now I work for the Family Planning Association because they pay a salary as well as a bonus for each sterilisation .
30 And yet , when an event for all ages is organised , it is often a great success .
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