Example sentences of "[conj] play a important part in " in BNC.

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1 It is common ground that discrimination training will establish associative links that play an important part in generating the changes in behaviour that are observed .
2 Ignoring for the present some of the difficulties inherent in functional analysis , we may note , for example , that the account of socialization ignores the variety of other agencies that play an important part in socializing the child .
3 In addition to formal business correspondence , includes letters on social situations that play an important part in business and personal contacts : formal and informal invitations , thanks for hospitality and help , congratulations etc .
4 In particular E. Foetida ( the stinking dungworm or brandling ) multiplies rapidly in a dungheap or compost pit and plays an important part in breaking down the cellulose once the temperature has dropped to about 32°C .
5 She founded a Hindu College at Benares , adopted the 14-year-old Krishnamurti , whom she believed to be the earthly vehicle of the new World Teacher , and played an important part in the campaign for Indian self-government .
6 Desertions from the National Party are reflected in a similar scramble from the Broederbond , an Afrikaner organisation that shares some of its leaders with the party and played an important part in persuading it to move boldly on reform .
7 He repeated and extended Pasteur 's work on micro-organisms , ‘ our invisible friends and foes ’ , and played an important part in getting the germ theory of disease accepted in Britain ; and this led to an interest in the particles suspended in the atmosphere especially that of Victorian London , but also in more salubrious places .
8 Other SERA members and teachers ( not as yet part of the Association ) have contributed to Observations and played an important part in the development of the network .
9 External examiners work very hard for the Modular Course and play an important part in the progressive assessment of students .
10 The pupils participate in Junior School Assemblies twice a week and play an important part in the annual festivals and events .
11 He became eminent in the world of science , editing Nature and playing an important part in establishing the Science Museum in London .
12 It had been operational as Lancaster College of Technology since 1960 , conceived by the local authority in Coventry as a major institution , and had rapidly developed a reputation as such , expanding rapidly , and playing an important part in the committees and boards of the CNAA .
13 Thus bFGF shows little protective activity and is not essential for gastroprotection afforded by sucralfate but plays an important part in healing of gastric ulcers possibly due to its growth promoting and angiogenic actions .
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