Example sentences of "[conj] member of the [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Solicitors may set up a corporate practice to practice solely outside England and Wales provided that ( a ) this is permitted by local law , ( b ) all the directors and shareholders are solicitors , lawyers of another jurisdiction or members of the Bar of England and Wales acting in accordance with the Overseas Practice Rules of the Bar and ( c ) the practice complies with the Overseas Practice Rules ; but such a company could not practice in England and Wales .
2 The obligation to make a mandatory offer attaches to the principal member or members of the group of persons who are acting in concert and who obtain or consolidate control ; it does not attach to the company itself .
3 The appellant , who described himself as a self-employed accountant , falsely claimed to be an associate member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants and a graduate or member of the Institute of Marketing .
4 In or about June 1987 , Mr. Burt met the appellant , whom he said he had heard of from his doing accountancy work for others , and he understood from the appellant , having been shown a curriculum vitae and other documents , that he was an associate member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants , and a graduate or member of the Institute of Marketing .
5 The so-called Columbian school maintain that syphilis was endemic to North America and that members of the crew of Columbus 's first expedition acquired the infection and brought it back to Barcelona in 1493 .
6 The Founding Fathers declared that an ‘ enumeration ’ should take place every ten years so that members of the House of Representatives can be fairly apportioned among the states .
7 This stems from the fact that members of the House of Lords make up the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council .
8 ( 1986 ) , from the Cambridge Study in Delinquent Development , showed that members of the cohort of London youth being studied were more likely to commit offences when out of work than when employed .
9 The Congress on March 13 , 1990 , approved the creation of the post of President of the USSR , with extensive executive powers including the appointment of a new consultative Presidential Council and ( subject to ratification by the Congress ) of the Chairman and members of the Council of Ministers ; a new consultative Council of the Federation , headed by the President , comprises the Presidents of the union republics .
10 This was the most recent of several corruption scandals in 1991 , involving ministers , presidential aides , and members of the family of Menem 's estranged wife .
11 This includes : making written submissions to public bodies ; lobbying MPs and Members of the House of Lords when legislation on anything connected with music , like copyright , is being enacted ; representing musicians ' interests in national and international forums on issues such as the collection and payment of royalties on behalf of performers and composers .
12 In 1963 the Peerage Bill became law and members of the House of Lords could now renounce their titles and preserve their political careers in the Commons .
13 However , Poor Law Boards were often controlled by the local squire , and members of the House of Lords and their families played important political and financial roles throughout the whole century .
14 Under the established system for electing members to the House of Commons , each elector has only one vote in a general election ; each constituency returns only one Member of Parliament ; and Members of the House of Commons are elected on a first-past-the-post ( winner takes all ) system whereby the candidate with the most votes wins the seat whether or not he or she has an overall majority of all the votes cast in the constituency .
15 My Lords and Members of the House of Commons I look forward to visiting Australia in February , the European Parliament and the Council of Europe in Strasbourg and Malta next May , France in June and Germany in October .
16 My Lords and Members of the House of Commons My Government will pursue , within the framework of the Exchange Rate Mechanism , firm financial policies designed to reduce inflation further and maintain the conditions necessary for sustained growth .
17 My Lords and Members of the House of Commons I pray that the blessing of Almighty God may rest upon your counsels .
18 If members of the chamber of commerce disagree about that , I am sure that they will be in touch with me .
19 Liebermann was Professor and member of the Academy of the Arts .
20 Domestic worker and member of the Committee of Mothers , Mexico City , September 1982
21 Giving voice to the demands , and warning about the constraints on teachers buying books , Pat Clark , a teacher and member of the Federation of Children 's Book Groups , reminded booksellers and publishers alike that ‘ books are only one of the resources needed by teachers ’ .
22 Jerzy Gawor is a Chartered Biologist , Member of the Institute of Biology and Member of the Institute of Fisheries Management .
23 Jerzy Gawor is a Chartered Biologist , Member of the Institute of Biology and Member of the Institute of Fisheries Management .
24 Member of the Institute of Biology and Member of the Institute of Fisheries Management .
25 Jerzy Gawor is a Chartered Biologist , Member of the Institute of Biology and Member of the Institute of Fisheries Management .
26 Jerzy Gawor is a Chartered Biologist , Member of the Institute of Biology and Member of the Institute of Fisheries Management .
27 Fernández continued as a Vice President and member of the Council of Ministers .
28 As a result , he was dropped as secretary and member of the executive of the 1922 Committee and lost his seat on the Conservative Home Affairs Committee .
29 To get the tickets you had to sign up for a complete tour and hospitality package , available through Travelforce , a travel agency in Durban — of which the then President of the Natal Rugby Union , and member of the Executive of the ( former ) SARB , just happened to be a director .
30 JACQUELINE DROULLY JURICK : on 30 October 1974 the 24-year-old student and member of the Movement of the Revolutionary Left was arrested at her home in Santiago by armed men in civilian clothes .
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