Example sentences of "[conj] keep a [adj] [noun sg] on " in BNC.

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1 With other feelings we may be burdened by their strength , yet still be free enough to choose whether we express them to others by word or action , indulge them or keep a tight rein on them .
2 Sean and Michael were there too , but they stood at the back looking usher-smart in new suits , and keeping a professional eye on the collecting plate .
3 He may need to be able to use apparatus , and generally speaking science teachers are accustomed to explaining necessary points about its use and keeping a close watch on safety .
4 ‘ You are very much mistaken , ’ he muttered , looking beyond them and keeping a close eye on his sister and Mitch as they rode along laughing and talking .
5 Parents like to see the headteacher 's initials on their child 's reading card , they appreciate that the head is taking a personal interest in their child 's progress and keeping a general eye on activities in classrooms .
6 Similarly , a physiotherapist said : ‘ I had to try and keep a brave face on it and not let on .
7 To a considerable extent , each republican or provincial national bank acts autonomously , and keeps a watchful eye on the financial position of its own republic or province .
8 ‘ Now take it out and keep a firm hold on it .
9 Protect your back and keep a casual eye on those around you .
10 so it 's keep a high profile on the , on useful things and keep a low profile on the , on the others
11 She will slow her pace down for them and keep a close eye on them as they amble along near her , but she will not let them get too far away from the home base .
12 Carry out water changes every other day to keep pollutants to a minimum and keep a good lid on the tank so the air above the water is of a similar temperature , when the labyrinth organ develops .
13 Treat any sick fish immediately , in isolation if possible , and keep a careful watch on other fish .
14 Morgan , held big equity stakes in companies , had seats on the board and kept a close eye on management .
15 ‘ Our officers separated the two groups and kept a close eye on what was going on , ’ said the spokesman .
16 Many of the people in our picture were only window shopping and kept a tight hold on their cash , according to disappointed traders .
17 From the first the government made every effort to exclude any knowledge or discussion of the French Revolution ; Floridablanca 's cordon sanitaire was the strictest in Europe ; in 1791 he suspended the entire periodical press and kept a careful watch on the large French colony in Spain .
18 Jimmy seemed aware of that too , and kept a wary eye on him while he addressed Cardiff .
19 Toast the newly cut surfaces but keep a watchful eye on them as the toast is now very thin and will cook extra quickly .
20 I am constantly ‘ working ’ with my second rod while keeping a watchful eye on my other rod which is cast into the hotspot .
21 So far he had been quiet , staring into the darkness , though keeping a careful eye on Sir John .
22 At one time he was a sheep-farmer himself and , upon his deification , placed his flock in the heavens so as to keep a close eye on them .
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