Example sentences of "[conj] as [adv] as she could " in BNC.

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1 It was the same thin , intelligent slightly wary face and as far as she could tell the same old Barbour jacket .
2 Meredith , trying to use her bump of direction thought they had gone in a circle and as far as she could tell through teeming rain and darkness , were in the middle of the open moor or common .
3 But it had n't flowered and as far as she could tell , had no intention of doing so .
4 She had come a long way and as far as she could see it would take much longer even to reach the foothills .
5 She should have followed her instincts and remembered what Debbie had written at the end of those notes , taken them as a warning and run as hard and as far as she could away from this Capricorn man !
6 She wanted to get up and run ; run as fast and as far as she could away from this man who seemed to be intent on humiliating her .
7 She 'd turned it as high and as hard as she could get it to go .
8 She met his eyes and as calmly as she could told him she and her father had loved visiting castles and mansions on their holidays .
9 When Astrid asked her daughter a question , Miranda would rush to reply , as fully and as dazzlingly as she could : her mother liked to be amused and was easily distracted by something else .
10 Non-performers were supposed to stay out , but as far as she could tell nobody paid the rule much heed .
11 He expected her to trust him , but as far as she could see they were just empty words .
12 ( Menina was Portuguese for " Miss " , and Candida had called Sara that for as long as she could remember . )
13 She held his look , her head high , for as long as she could — all of about five seconds .
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