Example sentences of "[conj] might [be] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This is an additional reason for management to create an even more elaborate division of labour than might be warranted from mere technical considerations of the tasks to be done .
2 I found parental " insignificance " a family situation which figured a good deal more often than might be expected from mere chance in the history of dependent individuals .
3 Stool volume and frequency ( Table VI ) increased after all doses of cholera toxin to a higher degree than might be expectred after intestinal perfusion studies using balanced electrolyte solutions .
4 A cursory glance at some laws that might be regarded as typical components of scientific theories indicates that they satisfy the falsifiability criterion .
5 Behaviour that might be tolerated at New Year 's Eve celebrations or at a football match could be regarded as disorderly at a solemn thanksgiving ceremony .
6 From the safety of space , it would prove an interesting experiment , one that might be duplicated on other worlds , far away , should it succeed .
7 Very often the appeal to the appellate tribunal can cover matters that might be raised on judicial review .
8 ( S. ) 71 , this called for a delicate balancing exercise between the possibility that the offender might commit further crimes in this country and the harm that might be done to innocent people if he were deported .
9 The Minister will know that we appreciate and share his concern about the handicap that might be placed on British industry by the European social charter .
10 Any residues not digested in the stomach must therefore be ejected back through the oesophagus , and to prevent damage that might be caused by sharp ends of bones the process of pellet formation is such as to enclose the bones in the undigested skin and hair from the prey animals .
11 The discussion above by no means exhausts the observations that might be made about postnominal attributives .
12 Subdivisions that might be applied to certain types of headings ( such as places , literatures , and so on ) are shown under key headings in the main list .
13 According to Mr Ryder , the nuclear inspectors decided to get together to swap information and to identify ‘ good practice ’ that might be codified into formal guidance notes .
14 There are several techniques that might be used in international marketing research that would not normally be used for research into ‘ domestic ’ markets .
15 But Mr Sibsey told T V programme planners to think carefully before showing scenes that might be watched by impressionable young children .
16 One of the salient features about this process is a phenomenon that might be described as endogenous economies of scale : more business is attracted to contracts with low bid-ask spreads ( i.e. high liquidity ) , and that attracts more market makers and more arbitrage and speculative activity on the exchange , and this increased competition drives down bid-ask spreads and so on in a virtuous circle .
17 The Uranium Institute , based in London , has calculated that the 816 tonnes of HEU that might be released from American and Soviet disarmament could take the place of 166,000 tonnes of natural uranium , roughly three years ' worth of world demand .
18 Wester Ross , Orkney and North Yorkshire provided most of these replies but it was something that might be encouraged in remote areas or where most of the farms were part-time .
19 He urged them to compare any sum they had in mind with damages that might be awarded for physical injuries that lasted a lifetime .
20 I have drawn attention to the immense quantity , the rich variety , the problems posed by its retention , the difficulties with its analysis , and the opportunities that might be offered to future historians by contemporary electronic information resources .
21 Marx himself even suggested that this need not necessarily be a violent revolution , but might be achieved by democratic mcans in advanced societies ( see Kagarlitsky , 1989 , pp.101–2 ) .
22 Again it should be emphasized that the incentives need not be based upon financial performance but might be linked to other proxies of effort ; productivity measures and the like .
23 The findings indicate that , as might be suspected from common experience , impressions formed during sleep are not retained .
24 ‘ Having parted with my dear flock ’ , he says , ‘ I need not say without mutual sense and tears , I left Mr. Baldwin to live privately among them and oversee them in my stead , and visit them from home to home ; advising them , notwithstanding all the injuries they had received and all the failings of the ministers that preached to them and the defects of the present way of worship , that yet they should keep to the public assemblies and make use of such helps as might be had in public , together with this private help … ‘ ( i.e. r.Baldwin ) .
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