Example sentences of "[conj] even [conj] [pron] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 Parents , on the other hand , however much they have suffered at school , or even if they left it with a sense of failure , usually attribute the shortcomings to themselves rather than to the system , and thus find it difficult to envisage school in any form other than the one that they themselves experienced .
2 Nevertheless , his energy of observation remained constant and again inclined towards the economics of the area : he contemplated one piece of land , a ‘ watery flat ’ , that seemed to have natural drainage possibilities — ‘ it had a visible declivity ’ ; although he allowed that even if he felt it could be reclaimed without ‘ difficulty or expense ’ , these were relative terms .
3 Then they wrapped rubber-bands round the stuff and hey presto ! we 've got a ball , that even if you top it , runs 120 yards up the fairway .
4 The curious nature of the first-person plural relationship in the Sonnets [ + ego , + tu ] is that it is so infrequent ( twelve times only ) and that even when it occurs it is tenuous , fragile , or , as here , stands for a union in falseness .
5 Although even as she said it the thought rushed through her mind that that was exactly what she was doing now .
6 She knew she was deliberately goading him to anger and even as she did it she was annoyed with herself .
7 And even as he watched it blurred .
8 Academic English was a recent invention , largely of the inter-war years ; and even where it existed it had commonly stopped with the early nineteenth century .
9 There is little right of reply on radio and television and even where it exists it is not particularly likely to be heard by the audience of the original programme .
10 Not until the second half did Saints show any of their best style and even when it came it was never sustained .
11 At the moment , nuclear power contributes approximately three percent to our national consumption of fuels , a small figure and even if we multiplied it tenfold that would be thirty percent .
12 Quite often it has n't and even if it has it may be helpful to call the recipient with information on delivery and timing .
13 And even if you dig it up turn it over and start again that moss is in it is n't it ?
14 Their lawyer , Patricia Hambrecht , says : ‘ We witnessed a dramatic drop in our appraisal business for donations to institutions , and even though we realised it was not in our narrow self-interest , we knew it was for the good of the overall arts community ’ .
15 " But even if I did it , " said Clara , " I would be stealing the state 's money , would n't I ?
16 There is controversy over whether this sort of fusion occurs under pressure inside the Earth , or inside the heavier Jupiter , but even if it does it is at levels that are useless for commercial fusion .
17 ‘ Get back ! ’ he yelled to the others behind him , but even as he said it he understood .
18 ‘ I do n't see how … ’ he began , but even as he said it he changed his mind and nodded .
19 But even as he lifted it , reflexes that she 'd always prayed would be lightning-fast in a showdown proved their sterling worth , galvanising her into action .
20 But even as I heard it , I knew it was not a revolver .
21 But even as I made it I knew my accusation was ridiculous .
22 It was meant to be a jocular observation but even as I said it I knew that I had transgressed some important Gyggle taboo .
23 But even as she thought it , she knew she would n't go .
24 But even as she said it , Ace had had another idea .
25 With a little more attention to the parser it could have been a Sizzler , but even as it stands it 's well worth your dosh so get out there and part with it at once !
26 like it to survive though even if you like it
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