Example sentences of "[conj] those [noun pl] [Wh pn] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Paul gets deeply drunk at a New Year 's Eve party , where those friends who already have children get wheezily maudlin and dilate on the sheer cost of small kids versus the sheer joy of small kids ; while those who do n't have kids elbow him constantly , calling him a bit of a sharp-shooter , a devil , a sperm-bank , a prong , a peopler of nations and an irresponsible git .
2 About this time I noticed that those crews who consistently got aiming point pictures on the bomb plots issued by HQ Bomber Command after each raid were never selected for PFF .
3 It is not so much that those buyers who actually consume the Qm units are having to pay the higher price Pm for them , since the higher price represents the value to them of the marginal unit bought .
4 Members who are invited to appear on television or who write newspaper columns can have a far wider public audience and a far greater impact , even on ministers who are fellow members , than those MPs who merely speak in debates .
5 SOME people ca n't afford Poll Tax but those spongers who simply refuse to pay should have their names published in local papers so the community can see who the free-loaders are .
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