Example sentences of "[conj] may [verb] [adv] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The projection may be linear or exponential , or may incorporate more complex calculations which make allowance for variation in the basic parameters assumed to remain constant in the simpler equations .
2 SIR , — Dr Parmet and colleagues ' ( April 24 , p 1057 ) demonstration of venous emboli detected during knee arthroplasty illustrates the use of a technique that may have much wider applications in the study of embolism .
3 There are other features that may have much earlier origins than is generally believed .
4 This applies especially with larger breeds , such as the Great Dane , because they will grow up rapidly , and may bowl over young children .
5 Recent studies have shown that rapid molecular events occur in the spinal cord after noxious peripheral stimulation and may explain why pre-emptive analgesia is often difficult to show .
6 If this happens the scab may bounce about with great speed and energy within the turret and may do as much damage as if the shell had actually penetrated .
7 The infection is usually blood-borne and may infect almost any organ in the body .
8 The inclusion of the full range of work with old people would reduce uncertainties about the equivalence of the client samples , and may reveal more marked differences of social work approach .
9 However , such arguments will be more successful in a hearing before the European Commission on Human Rights ( and not only because of the European Convention ) , and may provoke even greater interest amongst academic lawyers attempting to overcome the limitations of the dominant positivist approach to legal problems , and amongst the wider non-legal public .
10 If the dice roll is 2 or more the unit passes the test and may fight normally this turn .
11 RULES OF ENTRY : Applicants should be 18 years old or over and may submit only one entry .
12 RULES OF ENTRY : Entrants must be 18 years or over and may submit only one entry .
13 It is generally longer for a first baby and may take around 1620 hours .
14 The parties to the proceedings may claim to be unaware of this wider dimension , and may challenge any third party procedural claims .
15 Other ways in which outcrossing may result include the consequences of the aggressive behaviour of some of the pollinating bees , which may force other pollinators to withdraw from a particular tree and seek another , though short-distance pollinators are often territorial and may see off new arrivals , thus reducing crossing .
16 A law student who is a CAB trainee volunteer may not fear legislative tomes but may want considerably more training to cope with an emotional client and feel the need for deeper counselling skills than basic training allows time for .
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