Example sentences of "[conj] only [prep] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps the mother-daughter relationship is also significant in respect of whether the Lady enters your life easily , or only after a long struggle .
2 However , there are many other radio stations around the country that can influence the success of your record , albeit only on a regional basis .
3 They believe that only as a free-standing business will SAP be able to hold its own against the competition — particularly with world demand for soda ash growing at less than one per cent a year .
4 In these latter roles She is almost always accompanied by Her divine spouse , the male God , emphasizing the fact that only in a happy marriage can the terrible and destructive aspect of the Goddess be controlled .
5 Perhaps one of the most valuable assets of TL is restoring some tangible contact with the environment , although only to a limited extent .
6 The voice sounded surprisingly strong for someone supposedly in the throes of a heart attack , thought Lindsey , stepping into the suite and only with a real effort stifling an exclamation of amazement .
7 Today it means in terms of a hierarchy of pedagogical responsibilities that the individual and the individual family have a primary role , which they carry out through contracting and engaging for specific purposes the services of ‘ free ’ organizations according to their private ideological orientation , and only as a last resort does the state intervene directly .
8 Jakobson 's poetic analyses are mostly concerned with establishing the mere presence of relationships of equivalence , and only to a small degree with discussing their significance .
9 He once wrote : ‘ I am not fond of writing about myself and only to a less degree about my work . ’
10 The following remarks apply particularly to the roundhouse kick and the side kick and only to a lesser extent to the front kick .
11 Where , on the other hand , the third estate was still weak and only in a budding stage at the beginning of the nineteenth century , as in Germany , Italy , and among the Slavonic peoples , nationalism found its expression predominantly in the cultural field .
12 At first , it touched just one or two establishments , and only in a small way , but it spread with time and today it is one of the major driving forces in AEA 's business .
13 During the addition of user data , dangling cross-references , perhaps reflecting the order in which data is added , are flagged in the first pass and only after a second pass to re-check citations is the possibility of rejection considered .
14 When they meet one another , they gingerly caress each other 's long legs and only after a great deal of hesitation do they come to closer quarters .
15 These passions are disinterested , in the sense that they excite me to help or harm you as in yourself attractive or repulsive to me , irrespective of further advantage to myself ; they treat you not as means but as end , if only as a negative end .
16 Not that he did n't know its history — he had been part of it , if only as a silent witness of his brothers ' refusal to join the Fenian organisation which had started trying to recruit the young men of their day .
17 The implications of these facts should be obvious and the status of chimpanzees as a threatened species is a powerful consideration in favour of banning their use in the laboratory , if only as a remedial measure , despite the pressures of the AIDS lobby .
18 If used strictly according to recommendations , chemical treatments have their place , if only as a last resort for serious threats .
19 The petty bourgeoisie of shopkeepers and self-employed tradesmen needed to keep accounts even if only of a primitive kind , but the growing fraction of permanent journeymen among the artisans grew into a more literate as well as more skilled elite section of the labouring classes .
20 The battle of the Catalaunian Plains was proof that the imperial policy could work , if only for a limited period of time .
21 If a killer thinks , even if only for a split second , that it is face to face with an owl or an eagle , it is very likely to back away and this may give the harmless bluffer enough time to escape .
22 When the slings and arrows of outrageous everyday life buffet our heads , we escape to Assynt , even if only for a long weekend , and always return refreshed , perspective regained .
23 Mungo could not explain why but he felt a sense of release at being out of the village , if only for a short time .
24 Some diets are not successful at all but some are , even if only for a short time .
25 His new civility did not last , but , as Daisy Yates remarked one day in the following week , it had been pleasant not to have such a right little God Almighty in Cas. , if only for a short time .
26 Well , of course this option must be open , but the needs of the women who choose to stay at home , if only for a short time , can not be ignored .
27 Freedom , if only for a short time , and she would have a chance to speak to Rose , whom she had not seen since their evening out together up West .
28 It is good that we can walk into that world again , even if only for a brief interlude .
29 Fifty years later they captured Delphi , if only for a brief period .
30 On second thoughts , it might not be such a bad idea , if only for a different reason .
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