Example sentences of "[be] just [verb] [prep] [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Cos these are just say for her teacher .
2 I suppose he does n't want to be seen to be just reacting to your letter he 's obviously started doing these things off his own bat anyway has n't he ?
3 I 'm just going through my list once more .
4 ‘ I 'm just waiting for my chewing gum to come round again . ’
5 ‘ I 'm just waiting for your comment . ’
6 They were just getting into their stride when they received an invitation from Lila to come to her place .
7 Well we were just staying at our daughter 's at the time
8 So that when we get to the mock interview stage , no , no one can actually back out , no one can pretend that they were just sent by their council .
9 ‘ After all , ’ Katerina Hartmann defiantly says , ‘ we were just fighting for our country like the rest of the world . ’
10 The lads in the Nags 'Ead were just talking about your bit of managerial bovver and I said to Rodney , ‘ Bruv , this could be my big chance . ’
11 Helen were just er me and Helen were just talking about our bread pudding yesterday when she come round .
12 Now I suppose this is just appealing to my sense of power or something , being able to walk in and take charge and in a minute or two they 've settled down and they 're not panicking because you 've arrived and all their burdens are on your shoulders and they do n't have to worry any more because the doctor 's there … this I find profoundly satisfying as long as I can , in fact , cope with what 's happening .
13 That beast is just waiting for his chance .
14 ‘ Maybe he 's just staying with his mother until he finds a place of his own . ’
15 She 's just pointing with her finger .
16 what the hell 's that that 's just fell on his head ?
17 I 've just remembered , somethi something 's just clicked in my mind , I rang my mother today and she was busy cos she was taking a confirmation class .
18 The tip of the envelope was just protruding from her bag .
19 I was just thinking on my way into work ‘ who 'll get the England job now the Turnip has got ta go ( the onlt +ve point to last night ) ? ’
20 The was just whispering in my ear would it be a good idea for the dep to have er er a community affairs meeting
21 ‘ No , I … was just going to my room . ’
22 ‘ I was just talking to my bookie , ’ he said crisply , which was the way he treated money troubles .
23 Reveals Jon : ‘ I was just paying for my shopping when the gun battle started .
24 Her eyes went straight to the wicker chair by the window where a baby was just waking from its morning sleep .
25 Well it was just damage to my car .
26 He was just left in his cot . ’
27 ‘ I was just saying to my friend , there she is scribbling again . ’
28 ‘ I was just saying to my friend Chatterton that it 's really very dangerous to travel on tubes these days .
29 He was just warming to his task when Reed sold him out .
30 Horrified householder Jack Allen , 66 , said : ‘ This young chap was just staring at his car with glazed eyes .
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