Example sentences of "[be] no [noun] [prep] [noun sg] at " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 Among the reasons for these large numbers are that there is no right of appeal from the Immigration Appeal Tribunal to the courts ; that from many decisions by immigration officers adverse to immigrants , an appeal can be made only from outside the United Kingdom ; and that from some decisions ( such as some exclusions deemed conducive to the public good by the Secretary of State ) there are no rights of appeal at all .
2 There are no degrees on offer at this University , no league tables to compare the results .
3 The brand might be no mark of honour at all — but a culminating cruel humiliating jape .
4 There were no tears in evidence at his funeral .
5 In the extreme case , there is no mobility of labour at all ( as in Jones , 1971b ) , and the implications of such immobility for the incidence of the corporation tax have been examined in Section 6–4 , where we saw that implies that the return to capital definitely falls ( relative to p y ) as a result of the tax .
6 As cementation proceeds in clean sandstones or grainstones , or the matrix in clayey-sandstones and packstones becomes lithified , pressure is transmitted through the whole rock and there is no excess of stress at the grain to grain contacts .
7 A good Gulf war is no guarantee of success at home .
8 Agendas , minutes and related papers are available For inspection at the school , but this is no substitute for attendance at meetings if public information and debate is fully intended .
9 This is a time when the bereaved will say that there is no meaning in life at all .
10 This describes how two pieces of electrical equipment can be connected so there is no waste of power at the connection .
11 What Jesus is saying is that there is no need for marriage at the resurrection .
12 However , the chances are that , if you can really represent the search space optimally before calling the algorithm , then there is no need for search at all .
13 erm it 's very interesting that in the Old Testament there 's no legislation about homelessness at all , which indicates it was n't a problem , and I suspect that this was for two reasons .
14 So there 's no scope to coast at all and not pick the strongest team .
15 If you leave it for a while , the reeds invade , and there 's no expanse of water at all .
16 I was just looking but there 's no wrestling on telly at the mom , it 's foot er
17 There was no kind of animosity at all because we are still friends with him but it was just that his presence did n't do anything dramatic for the group creatively so we asked him to go . ’
18 It was no doubt in part at least to consolidate himself dynastically in the face of the threat posed by Oswine that Oswiu married Eanflaed , daughter of Eadwine and Aethelburh , and therefore of part-Deiran , part-Kentish extraction , c. 644 ( her son , Ecgfrith , was in his fortieth year in 685 ) ( HE 111 , 15 ) .
19 The half-dozen or so houses were neat and well cared for , yet there was no sign of life at all , not even the yapping of a dog or the cluck of a hen , just the wind stirring the flowers at the road end .
20 In 1988 , Mr Ken Hutchinson , one of the churchwardens , said that this year they had put forward some of the younger men of the parish in order to keep interest in the tradition alive , though there was no lack of interest at present and the schoolroom was certainly packed full .
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