Example sentences of "[be] more [adj] and [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Further , it may suggest a drift away from the shallow , light soils favoured in the early period to heavier soils which are more fertile and produce a greater yield per acre .
2 These pigments are more stable and give a brighter key when mixed with the gum or size solution .
3 It informs them that others in society are more important and have a natural right to fill certain positions .
4 This species is very similar to O. simulans but differs in the following respects : it appears to reach a much larger size ; the spinelets of the disk are less elaborate and have fewer points to the crown ; the shape of the oral shield differs and is depressed in O. aculeata ; the adoral shields are more wing-like and separate the oral shield from the first lateral arm plate ; the arm spines are less rugose particularly the proximal ventral spines ; and finally the ventral most arm spine is not so distinctly sabre shaped as in O. simulans .
5 On IPE and Fox , in the case of futures trades , the rules are more relaxed and allow the whole order to be filled off the floor provided it is within the minimum fluctuation in the pit at the time .
6 Let's be more efficient and make the tax payers ' money be used wisely .
7 While the morphology of the single crystals grown from dilute solutions may be more regular and resemble the first model , for polymers that are crystallized from the melt ( and this is by far the more important procedure technically ) the mass of evidence tends to favour a form of the switchboard model .
8 Politically , the judicial conception of the public interest tends to embrace the promotion of certain views normally associated with the Conservative Party and there is a greater likelihood that Labour Governments will encounter challenges through the courts if only because they tend to be more interventionist and to challenge the status quo .
9 Although a statement need only indicate whether or not the value exceeds £25,000 , an applicant for transfer may wish to be more specific and bolster an application for transfer by a statement showing that the case also falls within the upper regions of county court jurisdiction .
10 A mind with original ideas , who wished to persuade the Protestants to be more Catholic and to persuade the Catholics to respect the truths of Protestantism , was instantly a must for those who thought about the reunion of the Churches .
11 When you have made safe access to the margins you must then decide whether to simply lay a number of planks to take a chair and your tackle , or to be more elaborate and build a proper stage .
12 Sometimes you have to be more patient and allow the universe to bring you joy and abundance in its own way , and in its own time .
13 Having sampled many of the better known holiday spots around the Mediterranean , we decided this year to be more adventurous and pay a visit to a desert island .
14 Initially hesitant on the turning pitches England have encountered throughout India , Hick clearly decided at Madras to be more positive and take the attack to the bowlers .
15 Although difficulties in reliably specifying the appropriate lexical input to phonological variables are reasonably well documented , they may be more widespread and pose a greater methodological problem than these rather scattered observations in the literature suggest .
16 ‘ The Sierra , despite being more roomy and having a 2.3-litre motor , gets along nicely on a lot less .
17 His economic failure has been less forgivable than Mr Traoré 's : Benin is more fertile and has a better-educated population than Mali .
18 SOCIETY is more violent and suffering a moral vacuum — and television is playing a part in the change , two former Home Secretaries said yesterday .
19 This remarkable condottiere — the word is pure Italian and does not translate at all well ; it describes a mercenary , but perhaps ‘ soldier of fortune ’ is more polite and catches the flavour better — not only managed to hold on to his head , but to great booty as well .
20 He said : ‘ I can tell a smoker 's hair since it is more dull and lacks the sheen of a non-smoker .
21 Furthermore , the pen is more compact and requires no mouse mat .
22 The advantage of fondant over royal icing for covering cakes is that it is much easier and quicker to make , is more pliable and has a softer texture that many people prefer .
23 Lanark Blue is very similar to Roquefort and nearly as expensive , but the Dunsyre Blue is more affordable and has a creamy yet pungent flavour .
24 However , others feel that , because of the speed of change and because of goal conflict between the professionals involved , educational planning is more difficult and has a political rather than rational dimension .
25 Polsby argues that the pluralist approach is more rigorous and makes no such a priori assumptions about the distribution of power in urban political , systems .
26 Though it had little to differentiate itself from its colleagues , apart from double ring-grips at both head and foot , its construction was more elaborate than the standard framed and panelled model — thus it was more expensive and carried a certain snob value .
27 It was felt that was totally contradictory as community care was more expensive and required a lot more time and resources if it was to be quality care .
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