Example sentences of "[be] no [noun sg] [prep] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 You 're no use to it starved . ’
2 Apart from the time Gould would have spent stalking , shooting , skinning , and preparing these and a host of other birds , there would have been no possibility of him visiting all these different localities and reaching the west bend of the Murray .
3 There 'd been no call for him to attend .
4 ‘ From the moment he caught the bear 's attention there could have been no chance of him escaping .
5 But there had been no question of them taking up polo professionally .
6 Something unforeseen and urgent had happened , since Sean had obviously known of it yesterday afternoon , and there had been no opportunity for him to inform her .
7 Even his marriage to Primaflora in some way had charmed them although , of course , there had been no opportunity for her to visit either Episkopi or Kouklia .
8 Two carriages took the Bradford family to early morning service , though it would have been no distance for them to walk .
9 While studying spinning in Huddersfield ( as part of her degree course in textile design at Middlesex Polytechnic ) there had been no time for her to try out the machine , so the then sceptical technician told her to come back later .
10 It would have been no trouble to him to write the exchange in modern English : ‘ It 's always like that with the things men start off on …
11 If polar bears are dominant in the Arctic , then there would seem to have been no need for them to evolve a white-coloured form of camouflage .
12 ‘ If only I 'd known the truth about you , Shiona , there would have been no need for me to keep running away from my feelings for you .
13 There had been no need for her to write that letter .
14 When she hears what I have to say to her , there will be no question of her opening her lips on this subject .
15 She wished her parents lived in the Aran Islands and that there could be no question of her having to go home every night .
16 ‘ There can be NO QUESTION of you staying on . ’
17 He realized that because he saw the new world in the people 's eyes ; and if the populace wanted change , then there could be no return to what had been .
18 It would be no problem for her to make a meal for two , or suggest he bring a take-away , and , prior to this morning , she felt she probably would have agreed to that .
19 In which case there would be no capital for him to start up again other than Tommy 's back pay and a few pounds he 'd managed to save himself .
20 There must also be no opportunity for anyone to claim that you have been given , or are giving , preferential treatment which puts you or others at an advantage , for example , over other organisations who may be tendering for the same work or other colleagues working for the organisation .
21 There should be no complacency about who seems to be winning the battle .
22 There 'll be no chance for me getting a job .
23 there 's a little boy there 'd be no chance of him going in there anyway .
24 Whatever one man tells another about a woman 's sexual inclinations and whether or not she demonstrates her unwillingness , it is hard to see why a man should be able to rely for consent on the word of another man or why there should be no obligation upon him to consult her himself .
25 But there can be no excuse for what happened . ’
26 ‘ There 'll be no talk of us leaving .
27 If there were no refractoriness ( no failures to experience X when trying to have an X-experience ) there could be no basis on which to draw a distinction between appearance and reality , and without this distinction there can be no possibility of thinking about reality .
28 With that many people playing , it sounds like there 'll be no room for anyone to come in and listen .
29 There will be no pressure on them to publish these results , however .
30 ‘ We 'd expect you to stay a couple of years , but obviously there 's going to be no pressure on you to move on at the end of that period .
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