Example sentences of "[be] then [that] [pers pn] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 These end-of-day meetings were very important , for it was then that we reviewed our progress , comparing our morning 's expectations with the fruits of our labours .
2 It was then that he sensed her extreme youth ; the twin globes of her dark breasts with their sharp , neat points were hard and solid , her skin , a deep indigo in the near-blackness , was velvet-smooth , entirely without hair .
3 It was then that he felt his true strength as an eagle coming at last .
4 Arguably , however , his most brilliant work was done during the many months of relative inactivity that followed , for it was then that he remoulded his demoralized command into a confident , compact fighting unit .
5 It was then that I made my mind up .
6 It was then that I made my never-to-be-forgotten answer , ‘ Mum 's lost , down the fair . ’
7 It was then that I saw her wild , inhuman face !
8 It was then that she realised her own power and made an instant resolve never to abuse it .
9 It was then that she missed her locket .
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