Example sentences of "[be] an [noun] that [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The extent of cross-breeding and hybridizing has been an explosion that continues to this day .
2 I mean it 's an issue that needs to be looked at anyway is n't it ?
3 It is an attitude that allows for the acceptance of continual change and advancement .
4 Criticism , I take it , is an activity that occurs between equals , whatever its object .
5 ‘ Be your own lawyer and you 'll have a fool for a client ’ , is an adage that calls for another : ‘ Employ a lawyer and he 'll have a pauper for a client ’ — Sunday Times .
6 Furthermore , although it is smaller , there is an area that corresponds to Broca 's area in the right hemisphere that does n't seem to have anything to do with speech but which seems to have many of the same connections .
7 As the only catering industry representative on this working party , I would be interested to hear from any companies which have any experience , or knowledge of any examples , which make them feel that this is an area that needs to be examined quickly and subjected to public debate .
8 ‘ The Managers ' Association have written to the FA suggesting this is an area that needs to be looked at for the good of football .
9 He said : ‘ We want an inquiry that will deal with the most important thing of all — that is an inquiry that gets at the truth . ’
10 Well that is an argument that applies to almost anything that you might be trying to sell , whether it 's a commercial product or whether it is an artistic product , and in any case , as I have said before , we also support erm a great many organizations and projects which should , and will , appeal to the general public .
11 But it is an aspect that appears to be undergoing significant change .
12 But it is an aspect that demands to be addressed .
13 Like finds at an archaeological site , each book listed there is an object that speaks for itself .
14 An ontological existent , we have said , is an object that exists in the modus " per se " .
15 Usually the upshot of such shenanigans is an album that proves to be a yawn-provoker of Horlicks-shaming proportions .
16 And your point , which I think is very important , is erm maybe this is an analysis that has to be given erm by a multiplicity of necessary conditions , none of which is singularly sufficient , but all of which are jointly necessary and sufficial .
17 Much research along these lines is going on in various parts of the world ; the quantum Hall effect is an offshoot that derives from curiosity about the effects of a strong magnetic field applied perpendicular to the plane of the two-dimensional system .
18 It was apparent to many people that this phase-out was an occasion that had to be marked .
19 Here was an elephant that lived in an enormous conch .
20 For Ho Chi Minh , formerly ‘ Nguyen the Patriot ’ , it was an accolade that corresponded to reality but of all the ‘ objective circumstances ’ which might be held to account for even a temporary communist victory in August 1945 at least the most striking and immediate was the political vacuum into which they moved .
21 This was an area that deserved to be explored from the ground .
22 Idealism , then , was an account that focused on how to maximize the free flow of information and remove barriers to accurate perception .
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