Example sentences of "[be] not well [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Ribose ring puckers are not well defined at this resolution , and were not specifically restrained during refinement , but deviate little from their original C2'- endo conformation in the initial model .
2 You may think that there were quite a lot of us , but illegal hare coursers are not well known for verbal or physical reticence .
3 Chimps , whose vocal chords are not well adapted to human speech , have discovered how to communicate using deaf-and-dumb language ; again , this is an incredible achievement .
4 Regrettably , most overseas hotels are not well equipped for disabled holidaymakers .
5 Clegg has examined the reasons for this in the early 1930s and suggested that employers were not well organized at this time and that there were fewer jobs being lost in the early 1930s than in the early 1920s .
6 Yet as Shaw ( 1980 ) has argued the assumption that mixed schooling is preferable on academic grounds is not well supported by educational research .
7 Conservation is not well served by ill-informed arguments .
8 ( Indeed , the concept of " the state " is one that is not well entrenched in English consciousness . )
9 Willa Cather is not well known in this country , though her major work is now in print in Virago paperbacks .
10 If the change is not well managed throughout this process , different groups ' interests may be so radically affected that the process has to degenerate into chaos before stability can be regained .
11 The weak nuclear force was not well understood until 1967 , when Abdus Salam at Imperial College , London , and Steven Weinberg at Harvard both proposed theories that unified this interaction with the electromagnetic force , just as Maxwell had unified electricity and magnetism about a hundred years earlier .
12 The decision was not well received by those Americans who believed that their allies should concentrate on the provision of conventional forces .
13 The Kingman Report was not well received by right-wing Conservatives because they wanted a return to the traditional teaching of Latinate grammar , and the Report came out firmly against this .
14 Some of the newly qualified teachers , perhaps , found some difficulties initially in coping with the wide range of abilities the mixed ability classes presented them with , and in some ways the school was not well provided with in-service support for mixed ability teaching and had to do a lot of their own work in terms of the appropriate methods to choose , the appropriate resources , the appropriate materials to develop .
15 Some of the newly qualified teachers , perhaps , found some difficulties initially in coping with the wide range of abilities their mixed ability classes presented them with , and in some ways the school was not well provided with in-service support for mixed ability teaching and had to do a lot of their own work in terms of the appropriate methods to choose , the appropriate resources , the appropriate materials to develop .
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