Example sentences of "[be] that [verb] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The most important Romanesque churches of this type in the city of Cologne are that dedicated to the twelve apostles ( S. Aposteln 328 , 330 ) , S. Maria im Capitol , the earliest of the group , constructed on the foundation walls of the Roman Capitoline Trias , S. Martin ( Gross S. Martin ) , S. Gereon ( 329 ) and S. Pantaleon .
2 The knowledge of linguistics referred to here would of course be that acquired during the academic course , but may be an indication of priorities in the PGCE course itself .
3 It could be that support from the 13 Ulster Unionist MPs likely to be elected on Thursday would be enough to see Mr Major home .
4 In such cases the code used in the quotation need not be that used by the original speaker : its force derives from the fact that it is different from the code of the part of the turn in which it is embedded .
5 The volume name should be that supplied in the first answer and the volume number should be the extension supplied at the end of the volume name in the HC FORMATTER 's end of run statistics .
6 A section of printed ephemera with its own special charm is that consisting of the small mementoes which a number of printing houses struck off to amuse and honour visitors .
7 As it happens , the only ethical guide which is relatively clear , though still very general , is that contained in a brief statement made by Pope Pius XII 20 years ago .
8 ‘ The only odd thing is that according to the military history , the place had been overrun by American First Army , either the 3rd or 9th Division , I ca n't quite make out their boundary line , nearly two weeks before . ’
9 Edward 's only extant will is that made before the French expedition of 1475 , and on internal evidence it had been modified , if not superseded , by 1483 .
10 Edward 's only extant will is that made before the French expedition of 1475 , and on internal evidence it had been modified , if not superseded , by 1483 .
11 The reasoning behind that is that come from a lower class generally if you ca n't you know you ca n't go to a nursery school cos you have to pay for nursery school education in this country .
12 The only relaxation presently available from the absolute prohibition against foreign lawyers ( other than those who duly obtain the professional qualifications necessary to become members of the legal profession in England and Wales ) undertaking the work of solicitors and barristers is that afforded under the European Communities ( Services of Lawyers ) Order 1978 which , as amended , has effect for the stated purpose of enabling an EC qualified lawyer to pursue his professional activities in any part of the UK by providing , subject to conditions , the services otherwise reserved to the local professions ( advocates , barristers and solicitors ) .
13 By contrast , how is the primary school to manage what it is that passes to the secondary school ?
14 The most widely used system of nomenclature of chemical compounds is that recommended by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry ( IUPAC ) .
15 The Heineken effect this research has identified is that created by a confiding trusting relationship , which accompanied by appropriate services , achieves more than any other managerial skill they could identify , to encourage elderly people to believe they could manage independent living and avoid admission to residential care .
16 Perhaps the most remarkable of all serpentine chemical defences is that employed by the spitting cobras of Africa .
17 The oddest is that used in the fourteenth century by the English historian Adam of Murimuth .
18 Perhaps the best protected hole of all is that built by the female trap-door spider .
19 What they find in reality is that working in the Middle East presents a different range of management problems of multinational workforces , and the range of contract locations , anywhere from a city base to remote desert or off-shore .
20 Another dramatic migration is that performed by the primordial germ cells ( Chapter 9 ) .
21 When the form of socialism is that found in the Soviet Union and most Eastern European states , with different social and economic organizations integrated into a single , state-wide organization , society is ruled by an apparatus which is largely bureaucratic and which attempts to integrate all collective activities .
22 One of the most innovative systems is that found in the optical mouse used with the Xerox Star business computer .
23 A recent investigation of moorhens is one of the first studies to show exactly what it is that makes for a high quality mate ( Science , vol 220 , p 413 ) .
24 One illuminating example of the usefulness of behavioural homework targets is that provided by a lift-phobic whom we saw .
25 The rate of interest is that allowed in the High Court ( at the date of issue of the summons ) or such rate as the court thinks fit .
26 Hole mobility has therefore been totally restricted and the only movement below Tg is that allowed by the occupied volume vo .
27 For both women and men the largest source of cancer mortality is that relating to the digestive organs ( e.g. stomach , etc . ) .
28 The problem is that dieting on a standard slimming regime is difficult .
29 A typical theoretical framework is that proposed in the first chapter of Bell ( 1991 ) , discussing the methodological requirements of translation .
30 What all this means is that going through a black hole is unlikely to prove a popular and reliable method of space travel .
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