Example sentences of "[be] at [det] point that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It 's at this point that you have to start making choices , and you have several options .
2 And it is at this point that we can see the way in which secularisation feeds and nurtures the philosophies of secularism .
3 It is at this point that we share in and are different from each other .
4 It is at this point that we can begin to see how deviant groups — even evil Folk Devils — construct an order which in many ways is based closely on the order of the society which makes them outcasts .
5 It is at this point that we need to introduce the concept of a quite different type of cultural formation , in which artists come together in the common pursuit of some specific artistic aim .
6 It is at this point that we can make our first connection with the emphases we have laid out at the beginning of this book .
7 It is at this point that I slip from my pedestal of polite insouciance .
8 It is at this point that I do n't know if I can help , or if I have somehow wounded him too badly .
9 It is at this point that he starts selling his clients out of as much stock as possible , so as to release their capital for the investment propositions he will offer them in his next post .
10 Yet it is at this point that it comes into sharpest conflict with the cultural and anti-intellectual currents which are rooted in a return to instinctual modes .
11 It was at that point that I started to cry !
12 All sorts of little sub-businesses grew after the first month or two and it was at this point that we thought it would be nice to turn it into something more than just a folk club .
13 It was at this point that I gave up any hopes for an aviation career simply because of the increasing high cost of hiring that DH Moth for a few hours every weekend .
14 It was at this point that I came face to face with the realisation that human beings could be studied like other animals , and I went on , past chimpanzees , to investigate the behaviour of this strange creature that I christened The Naked Ape .
15 It was at this point that I met Gerry .
16 It was at this point that I decided to put her back on a loose creance , so that she could approach the lure from whatever direction she pleased .
17 It was at this point that I left to seek medical help for fear I would split my sides .
18 It was at this point that I realised ( never having even seen one caught before ) that I did n't have a clue about how to handle one .
19 Gedge 's studies came to an end and it was at this point that he realised his obsessive interest in music could not be satisfied by part-time activity while he searched for a ‘ proper ’ job .
20 It was at this point that he began to realize what a very bizarre and difficult case he had fallen into .
21 It was at this point that he turned into the drive .
22 It was at this point that he found himself face to face with Cinzia Miletti .
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