Example sentences of "[be] on [pron] [noun] and [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The King took the opportunity by the need to renew Bank of Scotland 's monopoly north of the Border and said in essence ( and in German ) ‘ No , we shall set up a new large bank , which will be on our side and which we shall call ‘ Royal . ’
2 ‘ … your ring shall be on my finger and your heart in mine , and no touch save of your lips will ever be on mine .
3 Mm , that 's right , and I say to this one be on your way and he 's on his way and to another come and he comes and to my slave dither and he does it .
4 Now I suppose this is just appealing to my sense of power or something , being able to walk in and take charge and in a minute or two they 've settled down and they 're not panicking because you 've arrived and all their burdens are on your shoulders and they do n't have to worry any more because the doctor 's there … this I find profoundly satisfying as long as I can , in fact , cope with what 's happening .
5 His hands were on her neck and he was squeezing .
6 Her hands were on his shoulders and she was pleading , but the words were a blur in the swirling mist of need and pain that engulfed him .
7 ‘ I 'd look a right idiot if we organize things on the basis that Vargas is on our side and I get there and he is n't .
8 Her head was on her arms and her arms lay on the table .
9 The boater was on her head and she was looking at herself , her bare right foot touching the floor lightly .
10 Aggie , too , was on her feet and her voice was much lower now as she said , ‘ Aye , it 'll suit me . ’
11 As the weather improved and the days lengthened Anne saw John several times , but usually she was on her bicycle and he was on foot .
12 The moonlight was on her face and he could see her clearly .
13 She fumbled in her bag for her credit card but suddenly Fernando 's hand was on her wrist and she was being urged out of the restaurant .
14 But ha I remember I was on my test and I pulled round er it was very , very busy and there were two rows of cars and I pulled up and I thought right there 's a gap down there and I want to go straight on and all these others were turning le turning right so I squeezed down through the gap and then I thought right I 'm gon na be here a little while shall I put it in neutral , blow no I wo n't .
15 A strong finger was on my gum and I felt the needle going in .
16 By then I was on my feet and I could see her face , the cheeks marked by the slaps he had given her , the eyes showing signs of intelligence again .
17 ‘ I could see how dark it was and it was on my mind and I thought she rushed a little bit but it worked in my favour , ’ said McNeil .
18 His face was on my knees and I could feel the wet of his tears coming through my jeans , first on one knee that did n't have a patch on it , then on the other that did .
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