Example sentences of "[be] to [be] [art] [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For example , if a supplier has agreed to deliver a computer system and the contract states that the terminals are to be a deep yellow colour but , instead , he delivers a computer with lemon coloured terminals , this will amount to a breach of warranty unless there is some special reason why the deep yellow colour was specified .
2 Tribal sculpture and the painting of Cézanne , both of which were used extensively by Picasso as sources for the Demoiselles , were to be the two major influences in the creation of Cubism ; in fact the constant inspiration which Picasso and Braque drew from the art of Cézanne and the stimulation which tribal sculpture provided for Picasso were the only important outside influences in the development of a style which was to be very self-contained .
3 To many within the underground , and in the media 's eyes , in the years ahead Ferrier and Neville were to be the archetypal underground beautiful couple .
4 It 's to be the usual passive wanks from now on .
5 If there is to be no common musical material we are going to find ourselves with something which , however distinguished , is not distinguishable , and which is therefore of questionable value .
6 Third , a labour division of the High Court would contribute to the process of constitutional reform in Britain which surely is to be a key political issue in the 1990s .
7 PRINCE 's next LP is to be a 16-track double album , according to sources at his Minneapolis label Paisley Park .
8 The London borough of Kensington and Chelsea is to be the first local authority in the UK to introduce a kerbside collection service for separated waste .
9 ‘ Our aim , ’ said the man from Aerospatiale , ‘ is to be the biggest General Aviation manufacturer in the world . ’
10 With just under six years of office still to run , Mr Ozal presumably calculates that the party needs his popularity much more than he needs the party — particularly if there is to be an early general election to take advantage of an alliance victory in the Gulf war .
11 ‘ If there is to be an effective Christian response to AIDS we need to support organisations like ACET who are in the front line giving practical care and support . ’
12 " Whatever subject or age group you teach , there will be plenty of resources to help you cope with the demands of the National Curriculum , especially now that environmental education is to be an important cross-curricular theme , " says Peter Martin , WWF Senior Education Officer .
13 There was to be no all-powerful central state apparatus , and political leaders were to be given no blank cheques ; on the contrary , they were to be hedged in by a complex , decentralized and fragmented system designed to prevent any one leader or group of leaders from becoming excessively powerful .
14 It was to be no insular backslapping occasion where favourite cars were chosen by the magazine 's staff , but a hard-headed look at the industry with independent judges outnumbering Autocar & Motor people by three to one .
15 There was to be no single avant-garde style , so that adroit composers could take what they needed without prejudice from whatever the source , be it neo-romantic or minimalist , serialism or tonality .
16 As in other Western European countries north of Italy , there was to be no pre-emptive national closure policy .
17 Enfield was to be a low-to medium-volume plant , with a new product start-up capability which would lead the business in technology , design , testing , sourcing , quality and competitive superiority .
18 There was to be a new national Goods and Services Tax ( GST ) of 9 per cent on most goods and services to take effect Jan. 1 , 1991 , replacing the existing Federal Manufacturers ' Sales Tax .
19 The most obvious , though inadequate , analogy I could think of for my situation was to be a light-skinned black person who identified with white people all her life , who had ‘ passed ’ as a white person for years and who had suddenly discovered the reality of Black Power .
20 The DEA 's quid pro quo was to be a huge money-laundering operation run , under Haser 's direction , by the Magharian brothers , Berkev and Jean , in Switzerland for Monzer al-Kassar .
21 If there was to be a common external policy , economic and strategic , which appeared more and more desirable , as between the parliamentarily self-governing populations around the world that were deemed all to be parts of one empire , the logical but crazy conclusion must be to defy the impracticability that had been so clear in the eighteenth century and to envisage an imperial parliament .
22 What is certain is that Rolle 's own inner drive was to be a solitary contemplative and to use his experience in the service of others .
23 It was to be a modest little magazine devoted to telling London what was going on .
24 However , the need to maximize the anti-power sharing vote convinced both DUP and Vanguard to instruct their followers to vote for the other party as their second or third preference in what was to be a single transferable vote type of proportional representation election .
25 If the help available was to be a free good then , in the USA , there would be a considerable amount of stigma attached to recipients of it .
26 Of these , the first , Type 1 , was the most important ; it was to be a large multi-engine landplane capable of flying from London to New York non-stop .
27 Edward had won over the industrial towns of Flanders in 1340 , and the maintenance of the English position there was to be a basic strategic principle until its decisive failure in 1385 .
28 What convinced him that it was nonetheless a worthwhile project was , firstly , that it was to be an international collaborative effort between the Réunion des Musées Nationaux in Paris , the Staatliche Museen Preußischer Kulturbesitz in Berlin and the FIAT group and , secondly , that there was scope to examine an unexplored area : the rediscovery of the Etruscans and their influence on recent European culture .
29 Similarly , his idea that contact between different cultures merely led to decay and that Magian Jews and Faustian Europeans were bound to live in friction with each other , was to be an important intellectual influence on Mosley 's cultural anti-semitism and to re-inforce his later views on apartheid .
30 This is a scaled-down version of what originally was to be an ambitious orbiting craft that would build up a picture of the planet 's surface using radar .
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