Example sentences of "[be] in the [noun] [conj] he " in BNC.

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1 Well And then there 's there 's y er y he ca n't get in the house cos you 're in the way and he 's trying to push past and y we do n't know where the hell to go .
2 Sydney Smith had been wrong too ; it seemed that the country was not even a healthy grave ; though , judging from Edwin 's pusillanimous letter , Smith might have been in the right when he suggested that there were three sexes — men , women and clergymen !
3 Oh , God , his girlfriend had actually been in the house while he was making love to her .
4 The animal had been in the garage while he was working on the car with the engine running .
5 they 've got a girl that works there right and her name her name is Linda and they run this big machine and it 's really long and he said if she 's at the top machine he ca n't see down the other end of the machine cos her boobs are in the way and he 's got I said you do n't ask her can sh he said yeah well he said I 've got ta ask her can she move out the way , he said if she sits on the table her boobs are resting on the table , I said oh I 'd crack up .
6 . Well in that today he says er when I seen the syringe coming out I just , I 'll not be in the room if he 's getting injected .
7 ‘ She would be in the room and he would dismiss her with a flick of the hand as though she were a servant . ’
8 The Sheriff of Cornwall chanced to be in the town and he and the Mayor persuaded them to disperse and go home .
9 ‘ But Danny has shown through his attitude and his skill that he deserves to be in the side and he is under serious consideration for inclusion against QPR .
10 All the other appointments and moves made since Gerstner was appointed were in the works before he arrived .
11 They were in the bedroom and he was tucking her in under the quilt , stroking her forehead , pushing back the damp strands of blonde hair where her tears had soaked them .
12 So long as he was a Member of Parliament he could not be arrested for debt , but bailiffs were in the house when he was taken mortally ill .
13 To Dennis 's in the sense that he thought he could act as team-boss without regard for Niki ; to Niki 's in that he thought his personal world outweighed Dennis 's and the team 's .
14 Phone 's in the hall and he got up and went out to it .
15 He 's in the army and he gets you know , polish and these shoes
16 And he sends her money home every week , when he 's in the army and he 's not here for to help her get the place sorted out and with the price of everything so dear .
17 When I eventually got downstairs she said to my Dad , ‘ Tell him his breakfast 's in the oven if he wants it . ’
18 He 's in the office but he 's busy . ’
19 he 's in the office and he 's meeting clients .
20 He 's undergoing laser treatment but as everybody will point out to you , when he 's in the Tardis and he 's operating the computer , even with his glasses on , he 's reading it like this .
21 I mean he 's in the auction when he should be with them writing the labels .
22 There 's never a minute when he 's in the house that he 'll let her out of his sight . ’
23 Like he knows she 's in the house and he wants to go wherever she goes .
24 The weakness is not in truth as the object of belief ; the weakness is in the believer since he is failing to enter into the essential obligations of believing .
25 No sisters until mother got married again , and me sister as I call her now , she 's me of course my half sister , Jessie , she was born I 'd be about seventeen cos she did n't get married till after the First World War , remarried me step-father was in the forces and he fought , he actually fought in the Boer War so he was a a soldier in the Boer War and in what we call the Great War , nineteen fourteen to nineteen eighteen , but er I had a misfortune to lose the brother next to me , Frank , which he had what was common in those days tubercular trouble , tubercular tuberculosis affected the bowels , see he died in , on August the fourth nineteen eighteen in the old infirmary that now classed as the Manor Hospital , but that was the old infirmary cos we there was no widow 's pension in those days , our mother was a bridle stitcher and she used to do have an old fashioned clamp , have you ever seen the clamps that are leather , th tha they held them , the leather , she used to stitch bridles at home , we used to help her with waxing the threads have a leather apron and a bit of wax and pull the wax over the thread , and then roll it round till it was strong enough to thread it , we used to make the threads for her to er stitch the bridles .
26 Pike 's bum was in the air as he groped his way forward .
27 I was in the kitchen when he played it back on the TV — I remember that day so well — and he called me into the living room to take a look .
28 Once I waited so long and stayed so late that I gave myself away to Syl , who had called in the usual way at the front door , to be told by my mother that I was in the summer-house and he should go and bring me out and back to the drawing-room where , like normal people , we should converse .
29 Oh he was on the river he he was always connected with the river my father and in the First World War they towed the dredger from here to Ramsgate and er he was , he was in the Army but he was connected to the Inland Water Transport and cos they were dredging out the harbour at Ramsgate .
30 It was only Sunday services but er we did occasionally have , cos you do n't get a wedding every day , but we did sing occasionally at the weddings , the biggest service was at Easter when there was quite a performance at Easter yes Joh Johnny he was a he was in the choir and he 's , there was another woman that might be interested a Mrs in Street during the fourteen war they used to have the Red Cross collection and they 'd organize processions round round the streets collecting for the Red Cross and they used to knit socks and send them out and all that sort of thing
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