Example sentences of "[be] a long time [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It had been a long time since we last saw one of those , so we bought ice cream , sat in the sun and wrote postcards at the Reykjahlid shop .
2 But first of all I 'd like to congratulate the officers on the report er I 'm sure that those people who have been reading the reports and officers of the County Council for some years er will have probably er , er it 's been a long time since they 've read one that 's been expressed in such strong terms .
3 It had been a long time since anyone had enjoyed rubbing cream into her back .
4 She reached for her silk dressing gown and pulled it on ; she felt good , it had been a long time since she had awoken feeling so alive .
5 It had been a long time since she had had to stop herself simply blowing away an enemy that she found herself unable to either maim or restrain .
6 It had been a long time since she had felt this way .
7 It had been a long time since she 'd laughed , joined in a joke , been silly just for the hell of it .
8 It had been a long time since she 'd met anyone even remotely interesting , and whatever this man was he certainly was n't remote !
9 Been a long time since she had heard her language spoken freely .
10 Been a long time since she had worshipped with God 's people .
11 It had been a long time since he had felt like that .
12 It 's been a long time since you left us , but you 're more than welcome though on your return and do n't be so long before you come again .
13 This is a very beautiful music , serene , noble , discreet , poignant , composed , grief-stricken , understated , sublime — it has been a long time since I discovered anything quite so touching .
14 It had been a long time since I — ’ He broke off .
15 ‘ It 's been a long time since I 've been in the semis of a Grand Slam tournament . ’
16 Well we went off and got off at Peel which was the other with the all bandaged up and she said the chemist advised me to go to the police and er so she said that 's why I 've been a long time because I 've been to the police and reported it .
17 She did not know what sort of oddness to imagine , but they had been a long time and there had been peculiar noises .
18 ‘ It 's been a long time and I am not going to rush it .
19 He thought again about his parents , but it had been a long time and he became angry with himself because he could no longer picture their faces like before .
20 Because peasants had to pay back the sums of money which the government advanced on their behalf at 6 per cent interest over forty-nine years , it was to be a long time before their freedom was complete .
21 Although … well , it does look as though it 's going to be a long time before they can leave hospital , ’ she added sorrowfully .
22 But all in all , it seems likely to be a long time before we reach that ‘ Utopian world of RDS ’ for all listeners in cars , at home or on foot !
23 But we are assured it will be a long time before we see bingo or boobs in the sober pages of BRE News .
24 Although it will probably be a long time before we are prepared to let robots perform operations on us , Pam will be ready for trials next year , and her potential for cutting the 750,000 nursing days lost each year through back strain may make her popular with medical staff and patients alike .
25 The discipline of information science , which attempts to study all the ways in which human beings communicate information with each other and the many facilities which make it easier to perform , is in its earliest formative years , and it will be a long time before we can be sure either that the science of information is a true discipline or that it can deliver its present optimistic promises .
26 " It 's going to be a long time before we get another chance , though , is n't it though ? "
27 They will be voted out and it will be a long time before we have a Conservative Government in Britain again .
28 But I know it is sad that all our clubs are out of Europe now and it will probably be a long time before we can hope to dominate abroad as we once did .
29 American manufacturers share this scepticism , ‘ It will be a long time before there 's any international graphics standard , ’ says Dave Robertson , head of the US company Computervision 's British operation .
30 It would mean returning to Wellington with a broken heart , and despite their short acquaintance she already knew it would be a long time before she would be able to evict him from her thoughts .
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