Example sentences of "[be] a [adj] [noun sg] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 You 're a decent fellow for a Bolshie bastard . ’
2 Reminds me of Port Said , and you 're a little bumboy in a boat . ’
3 I feel they 're a little bit of a waste of time … the course I 'm doing , I 'm gaining knowledge which I can use ; which , I mean , you ca n't really use a history degree unless you 're going to be an archaeologist or an historian or a teacher .
4 You 're a common cow with a big nose ?
5 I am a non-executive director of a listed company and intend to sell a small part of my shareholding to meet personal commitments as soon as the company has announced its final results .
6 ‘ I am a single parent with a little boy who will be two in September and I would love to get to know some other young mums , either by letter or in person .
7 It must have been a long day for a boy of that age .
8 It had been a long ride to an enclosure full of low single-storeyed huts of corrugated iron with cinder paths around , and all set in a large flat field of sparse greying grass .
9 Well what this has involved me in has been a long study of a single school .
10 Well what this has involved me in has been a long study of a single school .
11 But Magda ze Schluderpacheru was better than the other madams , the Silver Shuriken could have been a nice place with a little work .
12 A hairless chest would have been a great advantage for a bisexual like myself .
13 One of the craft was in a mighty hurry when he set Judas for Jesus at John vi.67 , as happened in 1609 ; and so was his descendant in 1653 when , at Corinthians vi.9 , he pronounced that ‘ the unrighteous shall inherit the kingdom of God ’ , which must have been a great comfort to a considerable number of citizens under the Commonwealth .
14 They may as well have been a small part of a photograph album gathering dust in the depth of someone 's attic .
15 ‘ This has been a live issue for a long time , but it has been brought into sharp relief by the lack of clear guidance on assessment from the DoH , ’ he said .
16 Kylie had been a 13-year-old slip of a thing when she had last stayed with Dennis and Joan in their home in the village of Cymmer .
17 As Wayne Gossage has said : " Patricia Knapp was one of the few people in the inner circle of the library-college vanguard who was in any way critical " ( Gossage 1975 : 8 ) and this has been a sad weakness in a movement which , with its enthusiasm and provocative reversal of traditional priorities , has aroused much interest and thought amongst educators , librarians and administrators .
18 On the Monday , the bulldozer moved in and turned what had been a rough path into a track about 8 feet wide .
19 I felt the most awful failure , and thought that perhaps if we could try again — since the thing was done , the point of no return passed — we might arrange things better , somehow recapture the basis of feeling we had had , which should have been a perfect foundation for a love-affair , but which we had somehow bungled and thrown away .
20 McCoist scoring at Ibrox has been a predictable occurrence in a season in which he has now amassed 43 goals in all competitions .
21 He does n't now , whether they 've been a super star for a long time or if he 's never heard of them .
22 Before this , sex had been a temporary relief in a world of melancholy and crisis .
23 It must have been a strange sight in a land of Celtic war chiefs , dressed in Highland-type garb , to see the proud , aristocratic De Cuellar in fine Spanish attire , pulling a face as he sipped the O'Rourke potheen and thought of his native wine .
24 It was two years since I had stood on this spot on the way from Tan Hill to Hawes ; then the force had been a sluggish trickle after a dry spring , now , two years later almost to the day , it was a respectable torrent .
25 ‘ In all those years the Echo has been a necessary part of a busy daily life and even more so in retirement .
26 It 's been a glorious end to a gruelling challenge .
27 The prospect of Özal 's renewed direct involvement in party politics had reportedly been a key issue at a special ANAP congress on Dec. 1 , with the first 16 defections occurring after the failure of an attempt to unseat party leader Mesut Yilmaz and replace him with the more conservative Ahmet Kececiler .
28 There has been a recent announcement of a child-care maintenance system which runs on a Psion and further applications are likely .
29 He has been a doughty fighter over a long period in favour of the use of democracy and dialogue and in condemnation of the use of violence .
30 Weed control must have been a major problem for a one pass cultivation system before the development of herbicides , and the extra weight of the rotor unit and the engine must have made the plough difficult to handle at the headlands .
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