Example sentences of "[be] a [noun] of [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 the problem has not been a lack of information the problem has been a saturation of information
2 Already , even before the move , Herbert was ‘ going his own way ’ , and there had been a period of separation the previous year when Grace took the children to stay in Cape Town for six months or more .
3 Thought to start , it 'd be a bit of fun no harm is it
4 Well I think it 's going to be a case of phone the council and ask them
5 In any event it will be a vision of bow the profit is going to be achieved in the distant future .
6 Erm it 's the executor 's job to administer the will but if it 's known that there 's a mistake of course the executor on behalf of the estate can sue the solicitor .
7 ‘ That 's a patch of grass a few feet by a few feet , ’ I informed him , suddenly aware that Mr Palmer had never visited Chelsea Terrace in his life .
8 So there 's a lot of scope a lot more scope on these to be more direct because they 're quality ads and they 're quality product .
9 There 's a piece of glass the size of your fist in his neck .
10 Erm , it 's a matter of choice a free choice within the present laws of this country er , even more important perhaps than that , that it really is up to the hunts to convince those farmers that the , that the farmers want them .
11 As this is a form of trespass the injury must be direct rather than consequential .
12 If it is a matter of urgency a consultation can be arranged quickly .
13 It is a rate of growth no other public service could match .
14 Refusal by a party to comply with the decision is a breach of contractso the plaintiff will plead the contractual background , the determination by the expert and the default .
15 If there is a Breach of Warranty the Insurer is discharged from liability from the day of breach .
16 If the child is a ward of court the wardship will come to an end ( s91(4) ) .
17 Is a trace of insanity a necessary prerequisite for originality ?
18 A few rocks showed in the water close in to the quarry face and there was a crescent of sand the meadow side of the water with two giant pines shading the right corner .
19 Mr Hitch 's son told me that there was a lack of enthusiasm a few years ago but , with new blood on the committee , it is once again gaining in popularity .
20 Yes er it goes on to say , erm for I too am a man placed under authority , having soldiers under me see Jesus was a man of authority the other officer was saying the same
21 There was a lot of congestion the night we were there .
22 In 1985 the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development estimated that there was a shipment of waste every five minutes , 365 days a year .
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