Example sentences of "[be] as [adj] as it have " in BNC.

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1 Though the overall level may not have been as spectacular as it has in years past , the show has built itself quite a substantial following , and most dealers reported ‘ okay ’ business .
2 Rose Brady 's attention had been as unexpected as it had been sudden and welcome .
3 If our climate continues to be as mild as it has been for the last couple of winters we may yet challenge our French and German competitors ! ’
4 It was easy to sink into a sort of limbo , where nothing seemed any longer to be as important as it had been .
5 It seems that the outlook for smaller businesses may not now be as bleak as it has been so recently . ’
6 I do not doubt that over the next 20 years the Community 's evolution will be as marked as it has been in the nearly 20 years since we joined .
7 Sam King in Sounds said : ‘ No concessions at all — the bass is as bossy as ever , a constantly straining leash of rhythm , while Gedge 's guitar is as irritating as it 's always been . ’
8 She says , I 'm not bothered what it is as long as it 's got all its fingers there .
9 The selection of documents to be saved for posterity is as essential as it has been for the last 30 years ; it is not so much that computers can not store everything ( storage capacities are continuing to develop exponentially ) , as the consideration that to conserve everything makes the past unmanageable and impenetrable .
10 His anatomising of male desire is as sure as it has ever been .
11 The South Bank Show is as good as it has ever been — serious , humane and unstuffy — though its theme tune now sounds is beginning to sound jolly dated .
12 ‘ We are interested but that 's as far as it has gone because Alex Ferguson has shown no desire to let him go , and that 's despite the fact that Neil has not been in his first team .
13 For about four centuries the rulers of England had been trying to conquer and rule France , Scotland , and Ireland , but they had just lost their last foothold in France at Calais , their position in Ireland was as insecure as it had ever been , and the Scottish problem had taken an altogether new turn because Mary the Queen of Scotland could present a good claim to the English throne .
14 Whether it was during a healing , or during one of those morning meditations , I ca n't remember , but I had to assure Christopher that although I had stayed to every meditation and seen it through to the end , and although he had brought God , and probably Jesus Christ in upon several occasions , my original It was as intact as it had ever been .
15 This large parish now had two Anglican churches but Nonconformity was as pronounced as it had been in the seventeenth century .
16 Although the capacity was restricted to 25,000 , because of the redevelopment of Leeds ' home , the noise and expectancy from the crowd was as intense as it had been at Ibrox .
17 Dynasticism was not dead ; for some rulers , promoting family interests was as important as it had been to a Tudor or a Valois .
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