Example sentences of "[be] as [adj] as it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Taken as a whole , the cost of capital in Japan in 1988–93 will not have been as low as it seemed .
2 Though the overall level may not have been as spectacular as it has in years past , the show has built itself quite a substantial following , and most dealers reported ‘ okay ’ business .
3 Rose Brady 's attention had been as unexpected as it had been sudden and welcome .
4 This is a good background , and the playing style and ensemble are as secure as it leads us to expect .
5 In the conclusion to Chapter 2 , I suggested that the gulf between the view of humans as free and choice-making , on the one hand , and determined by forces outside of their control , on the other , may not be as unbridgeable as it seems .
6 Surprisingly , this task may not be as hopeless as it seems .
7 This last ambition may not be as absurd as it looks ; Sigistrix was , after all , the grandson of Theodoric .
8 Will it be as easy as it looks on paper ?
9 Say what you like about the Ryder Cup and The Belfry , if it was n't for the 9th , 10th and 18th holes , it would be as average as it looks .
10 The figure of Mercy points to the nature of the redemptive process : Later still , Julian of Norwich , whose mystical experience arose out of meditation on the Passion , defined her sense of a dynamic power of divine love working to process the effects of sin as the work of Christ : " and there is in him bleding and praying for us to the Father — and is and shall be as long as it nedith " .
11 If our climate continues to be as mild as it has been for the last couple of winters we may yet challenge our French and German competitors ! ’
12 A spiritual void needs to be satisfied , so what is offered as serious and sacrosanct must be as good as it pretends .
13 The contour lines on the map were remarkably close together for the final descent but we decided it could n't be as bad as it looked .
14 She chewed on it and thought that it could n't possibly be as rubbery as it seemed .
15 The problem may not , however , be as difficult as it seems .
16 It was easy to sink into a sort of limbo , where nothing seemed any longer to be as important as it had been .
17 It seems that the outlook for smaller businesses may not now be as bleak as it has been so recently . ’
18 Phoebe relapsed into little disturbed ‘ ohs ’ rubbing her thin fingers and slithering to the edge of her chair , while Jess wondered what in the name of the Devil a syndicate was , and if a Frolic would be as jolly as it sounded .
19 ‘ Spending hours lying in the glorious sunshine need n't be as idle as it looks , ’ she says .
20 I do not doubt that over the next 20 years the Community 's evolution will be as marked as it has been in the nearly 20 years since we joined .
21 reduction if the tax is to be as fair as it needs to be .
22 The answer might not be as obvious as it seems .
23 He wondered if her hair were as soft as it looked .
24 Sam King in Sounds said : ‘ No concessions at all — the bass is as bossy as ever , a constantly straining leash of rhythm , while Gedge 's guitar is as irritating as it 's always been . ’
25 I do n't care what the motive power is as long as it gets there on time and you 're guaranteed a seat .
26 Look no further than the row of foundations — most of them have been used for about a week , which is as long as it takes to realise that they are wrong for your skin .
27 She says , I 'm not bothered what it is as long as it 's got all its fingers there .
28 For the first time this season , though , Rangers have gone two successive domestic matches without winning and in these times at Ibrox that is as close as it gets to a crisis .
29 The selection of documents to be saved for posterity is as essential as it has been for the last 30 years ; it is not so much that computers can not store everything ( storage capacities are continuing to develop exponentially ) , as the consideration that to conserve everything makes the past unmanageable and impenetrable .
30 I do n't believe that telling a story is as easy as it looks .
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