Example sentences of "[be] also a [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Tantrums are also a way for children to test out boundaries : at the age of two or three , they are finding out just how far they can go with their parents , and how much control they can gain .
2 These courses are also a preparation for work at the hardware/software interface and provide the potential for work in hardware design .
3 There are also a range of approaches which offer more personalized forms of help to people in difficulties without the stigma of becoming a client .
4 There are also a range of organisms , notably bacteria , fungi and viruses , which produce fatal infections in many insect species , and which have a restricted range of host species .
5 In addition to the above scale there are also a couple of arpeggio ideas used , and these are both F phrases — sus4 ( F , B♭ , C ) and F Major ( F , A , C ) — and they are played in bars 2 and 6 …
6 There are also a couple of discos for the younger element .
7 Red eyes to the Zande are also a sign of witchcraft , and red-eyed individuals are feared and treated warily .
8 Portable operating systems , such as Unix , are also a threat to IBM and other companies which once prospered on proprietary ones , such as Wang and Data General .
9 Whether the image of an ice cream cone or a hamburger is good or bad is not too big an issue but when it comes to nuclear weapons and political events which affect not only the happiness of countless people but which are also a matter of life and death , does it help to avoid value judgements ?
10 Multiple meetings , among parties with differing agendas and often conflicting needs , are also a source of stress and ‘ interaction fatigue , ’ as well as time-expensive .
11 Within these broad categorisations there are also a number of subcategories .
12 There are also a number of texts that are prescriptive in giving guidelines to improving leadership performance .
13 While there are also a number of texts that claim to be fabliaux but which are not now considered to belong to the genre , the common characteristics of the type ( described below ) are sufficiently clear for the same number of texts again to be identified with and added to the self-proclaimed fabliaux .
14 There are also a number of invertebrates , mainly crustaceans , such as cleaner shrimps ( Lysmata amboinensis ) and anemone crabs ( Neopetrolistes oshimai ) which seek the protective tentacles .
15 In addition to the purely chemical agents there are also a number of abrasives which , in powder form , are frequently mixed with detergents .
16 There are also a number of cases where the Commission has held that the banning of meetings and procession for a restricted period because of fears for public safety , such bans being under the democratic laws of a State , were not in contravention of the Convention .
17 There are also a number of expatriate support groups in both cities .
18 There are also a number of villas ( country houses ) at Pompeii and here the plan is quite different .
19 There are also a number of variations on each approach .
20 There are also a number of tasks and activities which have been developed to illustrate the family dynamic — these include family choreography , role-playing , role-reversal , family drawing , charting , listing , and perhaps most well-known , family sculpting .
21 There are also a number of projects which concentrate on the production of materials and resources for educational use .
22 Stone floor panels dating from 883–612BC , uncovered in the Assyrian royal palaces at Nimrud , Balawat and Nineveh , contain patterns that are generally accepted as carpet designs ; thee are also a number of reliefs and carvings showing men carrying what can only be tapestries or rugs .
23 There are also a number of trophies which are held for one year ; the Willis Graham Cup is awarded for the champion berry in the show , judged solely by weight .
24 There are also a number of gold and silver pieces from the cathedral treasury .
25 In addition to the theories discussed above which are concerned with the effect of arousal on performance generally , there are also a number of theories which consider directly the effects of arousal on memory .
26 Many of the large suppliers of accounting software have modified their offerings to help users meet the new requirements , and there are also a number of packages emerging dedicated to automating compliance with the new EC customs and VAT requirements .
27 For small trees there are also a number of plastic guards available .
28 There are also a number of issues surrounding the local additionality of EC grant aid .
29 There are also a number of traffic put into er slow down traffic , being seen in many cases to be used as a target practice for people coming out of the pub on Saturday night .
30 The majority of comments below relate , therefore , to the online services , but there are also a group of comments on external libraries , on external information services , and two miscellaneous comments .
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