Example sentences of "[be] more [adj] to be [art] " in BNC.

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1 There were an awful lot of nice people working in the building , but there is sometimes a certain tone in your voice , a clouded look in your eye , which gives the impression that you 're more likely to be a client than a colleague .
2 Consequently the forms of paternalism signified by feudal relations are more likely to be a recent tradition rather than a distant memory .
3 I believe this to be a mistake : in view of the gross statistical disparity the two instances are more likely to be an oversight , or an isolated directive , rather than an indication of an articulatory intention that is to be spread over the whole movement .
4 Dirty conditions are more likely to be the result of management activities , or the lack of them , and the emphasis on ‘ trouble shooting ’ should reflect this .
5 The most helpful sources of support are more likely to be the parents of other children who have experienced the same trauma .
6 The resulting open landscapes are more likely to be the result of overcropping and failure to allow sufficient time for regeneration to take place .
7 In Re Hammond & Waterton ( 1890 ) 62 LT 808 the court said that if a building dispute were referred to an umpire who was a barrister the procedure would be more likely to be an arbitration , and that if the umpire were a quantity surveyor it would be more likely to be a valuation .
8 In Re Hammond & Waterton ( 1890 ) 62 LT 808 the court said that if a building dispute were referred to an umpire who was a barrister the procedure would be more likely to be an arbitration , and that if the umpire were a quantity surveyor it would be more likely to be a valuation .
9 He was representative of the German bench of bishops as a whole , who were more prepared to be the servants of the emperor than of a distant pope .
10 This means that in most cases it is more likely to be a matter of relaxing the forward pressure to allow the aircraft to level out rather than pulling it out with a positive backward pressure on the stick .
11 At supper there is more likely to be a simple salad than a roast on the menu , which has the advantage of leaving you with more room to do proper justice to the pudding .
12 On that evidence , therefore , and in spite of last night 's ominous phrases that the government would not tolerate ‘ chaos and anarchy ’ , it seems that the statement is more likely to be a specific warning — that people breaking in to armouries to steal weapons or ammunition could expect to be met by physical force — than a sign that the military are planning a political takeover .
13 After his broadcast on Thursday , it is more likely to be a new , and even bloodier , phase of his war .
14 It is more likely to be a wonder I have borne with things so long .
15 The majority of men who survive can expect to have the support of a wife up to the age of 85 , but any woman over 72 is more likely to be a widow left on her own .
16 The boxer hero is more likely to be a nasty thug who glares at his opponent at the weigh-in and acts like Mr Nasty .
17 There is more likely to be a gradual wearing down of viral disease , with a wide variety of drugs becoming increasingly effective against specific types of virus .
18 So while we may now know something about who is more likely to abuse and who is more likely to be a victim , we do not know why , when , how often and with what degree of certainty , abuse will take place , nor what the consequences will be for the child .
19 But according to Andrea Bacchi and Desideria Cavina , the authors of ‘ Sembrare e Non Essere ’ ( ‘ It Seems So and Is n't ’ ) , a new book on art fakes due to be published this autumn by Longanesi of Milan , the venerated Guidarello sepulchral sculpture is more likely to be a product of the 1820s .
20 All it means is that a preference for managerial power rather than recognition is more likely to be a successful mix for a manager .
21 But since this proportion is relatively small , the main explanation for the neglect of women in the study of retirement is more likely to be a combination of two particular factors .
22 I tell myself that silence is more likely to be a personal choice than an imposed one . ’
23 So the adult response to a child 's tears is more likely to be a brushing aside than an extension of sympathy .
24 And their very clear view based on their long and practical experience of the Greater York development market , is that a location South South West of York is more likely to be a successful location particularly for the employment component of the new settlement , than any other sector of York .
25 McCrea sums up the Western code by his declaration that all his wants is to ‘ enter my house justified ’ while Scott is more easy-going and hence survives to mourn his partner in a world where a Westerner is more likely to be an unshaven brute played by Warren Oates than a white-hatted , true-hearted paladin .
26 Low cusped molars with thick enamel ( although this is more likely to be an ancestral character for the pongine and hominine clades ( Box2 ) )
27 The type of person who goes on this holiday to destinations for example want somewhere unusual perhaps to India , is more likely to be an alocentric person cos they 're getting away from the crowds .
28 It is more likely to be an intracellular effect of tubulin binding .
29 If a lavatory seat is to be responsible then it is more likely to be the male who suffers .
30 Used as I am , of course , to drinking from glittering crystal , I admit that for everyday use it is more likely to be the ordinary glass you buy from Woolies or Habitat — sensible , cheap , and reasonably designed .
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