Example sentences of "[be] think to be [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ( Meliaceae ) but durian seeds are so damaged that ground-walking animals are thought to be the principal effective agents possibly sun-bears , or even tigers .
2 The word ‘ model ’ implies a physical description that does not attempt to be complete or accurate in detail but that encapsulates what are thought to be the central features of the phenomenon .
3 The C2s ( skilled workers to lower management , broadly ) are courted , flattered and endlessly solicited for their opinions , since they are thought to be the deciding factor in the election .
4 The HAPCs are thought to be the manometric equivalent of the mass movements seen during radiological studies although not all HAPCs are associated with mass movements .
5 A pair of researchers arrived at the extraordinary conclusion that fusion of deuterons could be achieved without the application of massive external energy , which had previously been thought to be an indispensable condition .
6 This might be thought to be a good thing .
7 Beyond the brief : All three are prepared , indeed eager , to go beyond what might be thought to be the narrow design brief and comment on the nature and selection of the material they are asked to make attractive and intelligible on the page .
8 This may be thought to be the legal way to control force .
9 This might be thought to be the ulsterior motive surfacing ; but if so , it has to be balanced by Lewis 's unconquerable distaste for hymns ( not a markedly Protestant trait ) .
10 In practice , moreover , treatments for such patients tend to be chosen empirically and worked through on a trial and error basis , whatever might be thought to be the underlying pathophysiology .
11 The Divisional Court , and the majority of their lordships in the House of Lords , were struck with what might be thought to be the obvious purpose of the Act , which was clearly passed with a view to assisting the police in the detection and prevention of crime .
12 These unmarried women were thought to be a good influence on the girls and good role models .
13 Until recently , UVB rays were thought to be the only ones which caused serious sun damage .
14 Because work is still considered a male role , leisure , similarly , is thought to be a male preserve .
15 Anil Gadre , vice president of systems product marketing at Sun told Unigram a couple of weeks ago that a Sparc version of Novell 's Portable NetWare would arrive soon : meanwhile it 's thought the two will shortly announce NetWare SunLink to run on top of Sun 's Solaris 2.0 for Intel Corp platforms , which is thought to be a key part of Sun 's bid to capture a share of the Unix-on-Intel market .
16 Even the Member of Parliament , Jim Wallace , has been unable to obtain a copy of what is thought to be a damning indictment of Orkney Islands Council Social Work Department .
17 He is thought to be a good economist , but a back-room boy .
18 Lee Brown , the former New York police chief who was appointed as ‘ drug tsar ’ by Bill Clinton on April 28th , is thought to be a good appointment .
19 Ours is thought to be a multi-faith , multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society , one in which diversity of life-style flourishes and which tolerates and fosters social and individual differences .
20 The buyer was not identified , but is thought to be a private collector .
21 Thus , its growth rate is thought to be a useful guide to the future rate of inflation .
22 The desire to achieve success at work , and to be recognised as doing so , is thought to be a powerful source of motivation .
23 These observations suggest that the rectal contractile response , which is thought to be a spinal reflex and the internal sphincter relaxation , an enteric reflex , are both normally suppressed by descending inhibitory pathways .
24 A useful collection of theorems and proofs is presented at the end of the chapter : among these is what is thought to be a novel proof of Sylvester 's law of degeneracy .
25 Naming rape victims without their permission is thought to be a bad thing .
26 This form of predation by Egyptian vultures is thought to be a significant source of egg loss for many ostriches .
27 If price is thought to be a significant factor in the product 's success , then the manufacturer should only deal with distributors who are willing to agree a mark-up and selling price with the manufacturer .
28 A second limitation , at least if the joint profit maximizing ( cartel ) allocation is thought to be a likely objective of the collusion , is that this allocation may not be sustainable by threats of reversion to a Cournot-Nash equilibrium .
29 Among the objects to be sold are what is thought to be the only signed painting by Petrus Troueil , the portrait of Sir Francis Ottley and his family ( est. £40–60,000 ) , Sir Joshua Reynolds 's ‘ Admiral Cotes ’ ( est. £15–20,000 ) and other paintings by John Hoppner , James Ward , Michael Dahl and Sir Godfrey Kneller .
30 Then people will do the environmentally ‘ correct' thing , not because it is thought to be the moral , but rather the practical , thing to do . ’
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