Example sentences of "[be] think to [be] one of " in BNC.

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1 Microcirculatory disturbances of the stomach are thought to be one of the factors contributing to the development of gastric mucosal damages .
2 In Los Angeles , another place where non-Hispanic whites are a dwindling minority , a 62-year-old white businessman is in a run-off for the mayor 's office against the young Asian-American who has for years been thought to be one of California 's most personable Democrats .
3 The boy 's thought to be one of a hard core of 8 children , all under 15 , who are responsible for twelve per cent of all reported crimes in the Swindon area .
4 Burly Clancy — the 6ft , 19st owner of a crane hire business — is thought to be one of five men involved in the ambush at Leamington Spa magistrates court , Warwicks .
5 Will he turn his eyes to the country as a whole and to the north — to the West Riding and my own constituency , where the health service is thought to be one of the best in Europe ?
6 The blaze , which started on Saturday , was thought to be one of the city 's largest .
7 The Post was thought to be one of the more vulnerable titles .
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