Example sentences of "[be] that [pers pn] was [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The implication of the evidence as a whole could be that it was only in the reign of Ecgfrith that Northumbrian overlordship embraced the Strathclyde Britons and the Scots .
2 Most of the Labour front bench , including Neil Kinnock , were in their places and the predictions were that I was in for a stormy time .
3 ‘ What I like about Boadicea , ’ she says , ‘ is that she was n't in conflict with men ; she was fighting for her people , men and women , against an outside aggressor .
4 Mr Williams said : ‘ The thread that runs through what he had to say is that he was desperately in love with and fond of the victim and wanted to get back at her . ’
5 All she knew was that she was back at the closed door with a tray , wondering what Harold and Felicity might be doing on the other side .
6 The great thing about Angie was that she was always for him .
7 perhaps the clinching argument for Philip , however , was that he was already in possession : he had been appointed as Regent at Charles IV 's death and the royal administration was full of Valois clients .
8 You see , one of the reasons I mentioned his name last night was that he was n't in the room when I came back — the boardroom , you know , where the party was being held .
9 You know , I think the thing was that he was out of date , and by the time he wrote the second book he knew it .
10 All he could feel was that he was out of his depth .
11 The latest development , according to his secretary , was that he was out of the country .
12 What we did n't realise at the time was that one of the main reasons that Malcolm was so keen on John was that he was so like Richard Hell — who was one of Malcolm s mates in New York .
13 One thing I did learn from loving Paul was that I was n't in love with David .
14 One of the results of this was that I was often to be found across the road at the Edwards ' place .
15 Part of the problem was that I was only in my twenties when I did it , and therefore still quite young in their eyes .
16 Ian Craig , the head of science and technology , said : ‘ It is educationally valuable to take boys to France or to the science museum , but the unique thing about this was that it was both at the same time , and that was more than twice as valuable . ’
17 The reason was that it was not at that time ascertained that those materials were definitely to be used .
18 The suggestion made was that it was not about economic development , but about buying off the nationalist community .
19 What he really meant was that it was not in his interest or that of the intelligence services involved .
20 Those were my spoken replies to my mother , but my unspoken one was that it was up to me , and not to her , to decide when and to what extent I was either cold or hungry .
21 Moreover the whole point of the form of the public corporation favoured by moderate opinion in all parties ( and represented in the Labour Party by the Morrisonian conception ) was that it was up to the management ( and not the politicians or civil servants ) to develop the details of policy and organisation within only very broad guidelines .
22 Its only real fault was that it was ahead of its time .
23 The point Jesus was making was that it was all around them and they had n't noticed !
24 The redeeming feature was that it was all in aid of charity and two children 's hospitals outside Moscow benefited .
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