Example sentences of "[be] that [pron] have not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Marjorie Perloff has remarked that young American academics and students have a shared culture based on having read or studied the same books : ‘ they have , by and large , taken courses that expose them to writers like Freud , Nietzsche , and Marx , whereas the odds are that they have not taken a course in , say , the lyric poetry of Goethe , the fiction of Stendhal , or the theatre of Molière . ’
2 The thing is , it 's been so long since I 've been that I have n't got a clue how much tickets are likely to be .
3 WITH Saturn influencing your base in life , it may be that you have not felt out-and-out joy regarding the home itself or your relationship with one or two members of the family for some considerable time .
4 Because I would think it 's that I had n't given you the
5 If Armstrong has a disadvantage , then it 's that he has n't got a passenger seat .
6 I mean what you have to remember is that we have not made a decision about Rockhill Farm .
7 If so , why is that we have not heard anything from all those other civilizations out there ?
8 modern traffic calming measures however er I believe we have experts on the Council er in these matters but I believe that by narrowing the road and perhaps giving us pavements because one of our problems is that we have not got a continuous pavement through the village , and it is necessary to cross the road four times in some cases to walk from one end to the other .
9 One of the problems is that we have not found a way of doing it cheaply , and this has caused great anxiety . ’
10 It seems to me that part of the problem of players complaining about the pressure of the modern game is that they have not attuned themselves properly to what is required .
11 ‘ So I can tell you that the word is that they have not found what they were looking for .
12 They are yet to be involved in the testing process : ‘ My real concern for my children is that they have n't gone through the tests for 14-year-olds yet , ’ he says .
13 ‘ I think the problem with new guitars is that they have n't lived , ’ ponders Alex suddenly .
14 One of England 's big problems recently is that they have n't put opposing teams under pressure for any length of time , so all their attacking has been spasmodic .
15 ‘ My guess is that she had n't come to terms with the situation herself , ’ she said .
16 Her first crime is that she has n't clocked into an office for 16 years .
17 The fact is that I have not needed a constant stream of young ferrets .
18 Mother and lots of other people would say we were too young to love truly , they would have us wait for our ‘ years of discretion ’ ; at what age one is supposed to be abnormally discreet I do not know , all I know is that I have not arrived there yet , and I hope I never will .
19 Well I you 'll forgive me the disadvantage , I 'm not trying to cop out , but the disadvantage of not having been immediately involved is that I have n't seen that quotation from Michael .
20 The only reason that I 'm enjoying Neighbours again at the moment is that I have n't seen it for month and I 'm trying to work out which characters have changed , which characters are getting married to which other ones .
21 ‘ The reason the police have n't come to question you is that I have n't told them about my suspicions . ’
22 ‘ My difficulty is that I have n't spent 40 years as an umpire or whatever , and there is a tension between people like that and those like me .
23 The other thing erm is that I have n't got any leave .
24 I 'm anti clique and what I want to do is open every opportunity and every door , my hesitation in talking to you , is that I have n't figured out how to open all the doors . ’
25 ‘ The trouble with you , ’ Doone said with disillusion , looking at the column of negatives , ‘ is that you have n't met enough murderers . ’
26 The other thing of course is that you have n't got any choice anyway , because the yen to have children is about as basic as the yen to have sex .
27 ‘ The trouble , Kenny , ’ he told him , ‘ is that you have n't got a play . ’
28 Then Arthur Miller added : ‘ The thing to remember is that it has not gone away for ever . ’
29 However , the feeling among certain firms on the scheme is that it has not done much if anything to generate business from new clients .
30 The real failure of the Polytechnic is that it has not established a community of academics with a corporate identity and with sound machinery for democratic decision making .
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