Example sentences of "[be] that [pron] [noun] [conj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Early indications are that its findings and recommendations will not please the market lobby .
2 ‘ You see , from now on our demands are that your wife and child remain unharmed and are eventually released unharmed .
3 Had the Israelites been polytheists , like all the other peoples of the ancient world , a natural conclusion to have drawn from the defeat would have been that their god or gods had been overcome by the gods of the Philistines .
4 The main conclusion to be drawn from this brief random survey of a number of undefended settlements is that their size and importance appear to have been disregarded when decisions were taken as to the places to be fortified .
5 One of their main concerns is that their children or grandchildren are to be placed for adoption with no continuing contact with family members , including brothers and sisters .
6 The problem with voluntary agencies is that their number and strength is inversely related to need .
7 Although both movements have made important contributions , my judgement is that their frameworks and policies share significant and disabling weaknesses .
8 The problem is that its counts and measurements are almost the same as those of melanurum , and , as taxonomists ( at least until recently ) worked only on dead , usually discoloured preserved specimens , it was counts and measurements that were the critical factors .
9 The truth is that her life before marriage was not particularly interesting .
10 One major change since we last met is that her mother and father ( who also appeared in the film ) have split up .
11 What is important about Griffith , however , is that his demonstration that feature films could be both art and social treatise was not inspired by any narrow or specific intellectual or doctrinal position .
12 One possible reason for its comparative success , and one which I stumbled on in all innocence at that time , was that its subject and setting were limited .
13 Indeed part of the attraction of the picture of the world abolitionists presented , that is , a contribution to the success of their appeal , was that their world-view or ideology was capable of accommodating differences of emphasis and expression while recognisably having the same basic shape .
14 Finally , what was ( and is ) totally submerged in the conventional understanding of the Teddy Boys was that their style and demeanour was by no means unprecedented .
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