Example sentences of "[be] that [pron] [is] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For example , in the educational dimension , the aims for a child aged 3–4 are that s/he is provided with opportunities for intellectual growth and pre-school learning and is well-prepared for starting school .
2 There are two solutions — either one refuses to conduct policy-oriented research in order to preserve one 's academic purity or one undertakes the research and risks the consequences which may be that one is over-identified with those who commissioned the research or those investigated .
3 The main criterion for an effective service must be that it is staffed by experienced professionals who are appropriately qualified .
4 One consequence of this immobility is that everyone is surrounded by people very like himself , most of whom he has always known .
5 The general maxim of the law is that what is annexed to the land becomes part of the land .
6 The rationalization is that everything is done in the interests of the patient , but it is also designed to protect professionals from feelings that are , for them , genuinely intolerable .
7 Its particular advantage is that everything is contained into a smaller central area .
8 The downside of the book is that it is written in a terribly deadpan style : ‘ At forty-five Picasso had become a successful man .
9 The particular value of task-centred work is that it is based on an intention to form an agreement or contract between the client and the worker , thus freeing the client from the burden of always being a grateful recipient .
10 The problem with this approach however is that it is based on opportunism rather than commitment .
11 The real merit in this suggestion is that it is based upon ( in principle ) easily observed magnitudes those calculating the bonus need know only about price , output and cost levels in each period ; they do not need to estimate either demand or cost functions .
12 There is moreover a further difficulty with the thesis which is that it is based upon a dichotomy between fact and value which is hard to sustain .
13 A final reason for the possible failure of an appraisal system is that it is conducted as a top down , rather than a bottom up approach .
14 The reality of the process of change is that it is conducted in context .
15 Its other main claim to fame is that it is credited with inventing the word tweed to describe the famous cloth first made in the area .
16 What gives this discussion an additional interest , though , is that it is incorporated into an ambitious overarching historical schema , which aims to ‘ explain' nothing less than the whole development of world music .
17 The third feature of English discovery to be noted is that it is limited to the discovery of documents .
18 In fact , the dilemma of any national state in cultural terms is that it is charged with defending cultural patrimony within a world market over which it exercises little control .
19 The main importance of A. braziliense is that it is regarded as the primary cause of cutaneous larva migrans in man .
20 However , the major weakness of the Keynesian theory of the demand for money is that it is couched in terms of a choice simply between money and bonds .
21 This is a reflection of a more general characteristic of review , which is that it is geared towards the avoidance of mistakes .
22 The genius of our constitution is that it is geared to the real world .
23 The only possible explanation is that it is employed by mother cats when out with their nearly fully-grown kittens , to help focus their attention on potential prey , as part of a general hunt-training process .
24 The only problem with the kitchen , the operational centre of the house , is that it is separated from the children 's attic playroom by two long flights of stairs .
25 One of the most important aspects of a presentation style is that it is suited to your intended output — be it 35mm slide , overhead transparencies , screen show or printed output — in black and white or colour .
26 The only problem I had with the book is that it is hinged on the premise that hardened psychopaths are capable of deep love — somehow that does n't ring true .
27 The first is that it is considered to be premature to introduce a SAS dealing with going concern before parallel guidance has been developed on what constitutes adequate disclosure on inherent uncertainties in respect of going concern .
28 Mr. Pannick submits that the only justification for section 9(4) in terms of the Convention is that it is addressed to avoiding prejudice to the sovereignty of the Crown since the states party to the Convention can never have contemplated that one of their number could limit the scope of its own obligations simply by refraining from giving the judiciary power to execute letters of request in particular circumstances .
29 Another view of local budgeting is that it is dominated by habit , by small additions to or subtractions from the base budget .
30 An advantage of using the OALDCE is that it is targeted at non-native learners of English .
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