Example sentences of "[be] a good [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You 're a good judge of character , laddie , and as I 'm not so bad at that myself , I 'll bide by what you say if you 'll answer me this ; what 's your true reason ? ’
2 You 're a good man of science .
3 She said unless it , like with , with that doll she 's bought Carla she said they 're a good thing for collectors for her .
4 We 're a good mix of people that set the trends , the ‘ see and be seen ’ generation …
5 You 're a good woman in spite of the muck . ’
6 There has been a good response to Bishopton/Redmarshall School 's appeal for supplies for the needy children in the Russian town of Kostrama .
7 Property might seem to be an unusual investment for pension funds given its volatile nature , but its inclusion can be defended on the grounds of past long-term returns that have been a good hedge against inflation .
8 Secretary Peter Masheter said : ‘ It has been a good year with membership increasing to 63 from around 40 .
9 It had been a good year for Kenneth personally , too .
10 1951 had been a good year for Minton .
11 Paula Kahn , chairman and chief executive of Longman Group , commented that it had been a good year for Longman ‘ despite the impact of the recession in some of our key markets around the world , particularly our ELT markets in Europe ’ .
12 It 's been a good year for holly berries , and the crop on sale today attracted buyers from all over Britain .
13 In what has been a good year for poets at the conferences , with Neil Kinnock quoting both Frost and Shelley , and Kenneth Baker identifying with Henry V or Kenneth Branagh , Mr Patten chose Larkin 's observation that , with honour gone , all we could now leave to our children was money .
14 1993 has so far been a good year for Hewlett-Packard Russia .
15 ‘ The reading of it has been a good preparation for Lent as far as I am concerned : for it shows me ( through the heroine ) the special sin of abuse of intellect to which all my profession are liable , more clearly than I ever saw before .
16 It is possible to identify times when there has been a good process of consultation and use them as examples .
17 There are some very good authors in the list , but recalling that there has never been a good book on poppies or penstemons , one might wish for a little more innovation in such lists .
18 Gangsters have long been a good source of drama for the filmakers and there 's barely a star in Hollywood who has n't been ‘ mixed up ’ on screen with the mob at some point in his career .
19 It has been a good Christmas for Oxford .
20 Gillian Shephard , the Employment Secretary , told the House : ‘ This has been a good week for Britain .
21 It 's been a good season for Barnes and another Twickenham occasion is just the stage for him to show the selectors how good he can be .
22 There has been a good deal of discussion recently of time-perspectives in industrial and economic policy , with both industry and the City being accused of ‘ short-termism ’ , sometimes in comparison with the Germans or Japanese .
23 In England and Wales , as elsewhere , there has of late been a good deal of concern expressed about improving the quality of teaching in schools .
24 Less is known however about the impact of second homes on the local environment , and although there has been a good deal of speculation about their impacts , as shown in Table 7.5 , there are few hard or agreed empirical data to back this up .
25 There had been a good deal of rain , the Thames was high , and a north-westerly had piled up water at the river 's mouth , waiting for a strong flood tide to carry it up .
26 Since its launch last November , says that there has been a good deal of interest in the scheme from all sectors of the industry and added , ‘ Through controlled and managed expansion the benefits in terms of new business to the Company are tremendous ’ .
27 Many librarians have written in to protest at what has been happening and there has been a good deal of debate behind closed doors ; but , as will be shown here , the ultimate explanation is the rise of semi-literacy and the acceptance of it by the modern descendants of the great Victorians .
28 It is generally known , of course , that standard English enshrines sporadic residues of approximations between these vowels , for example in doublets of the type strop/strap , catch/ketch , but there has been a good deal of dispute about EModE evidence for overlap and merger in this part of the vowel-system .
29 Therefore it was supposed that payments practices , and other institutional arrangements which change only slowly over time , have more influence on the velocity of circulation than any temporary changes in M. Before the First World War there may have been a good deal of truth in this assumption because the financial system was relatively unsophisticated and financial innovation was taking place very slowly by today 's standards .
30 Indeed in the circumstances in which he found the community there is likely to have been a good deal of disorder .
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