Example sentences of "[be] a [noun sg] i did [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It 's a wonder I did n't kill Benjamin but , when I opened my eyes , two of the rogues were dead of huge gashes between shoulder and neck whilst Benjamin was on the point of driving his sword straight through the breast of a third .
2 No , there 's something about that one at what 's a name I did n't like .
3 This is a step I did n't really want to take as the text books and scientific articles indicate that the fry feed on a mucus secretion on the parents flanks which is necessary to their health .
4 How susceptible my brother would be to whatever vibes I could send out was a question I did n't like too much to think about , given the state of his head , but I had to do something .
5 ( Beckett 1959 and 1979 : 9 ) , while Flann O'Brien 's narrator comments , ‘ one beginning and one ending for a book was a thing I did not agree with ’ and goes on to offer ‘ three openings entirely dissimilar ’ ( O'Brien 1939 and 1975 : 9 ) .
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