Example sentences of "[be] a [noun] that [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , coupled with this awareness of the benefits on offer must be a realisation that perceptions of management style , organization and staff development will be drastically altered .
2 There needs to be a recognition that appeals for aid must also have spin-off for the company concerned if the appeal is likely to succeed .
3 One such exception concerns circumstances where a particular person does not have close relatives , where there seems to be an expectation that kin in the outer circle should give more support than they otherwise might , as it were deputizing or substituting for the non-existent children or parents .
4 " It 's a pity that cousin of yours is so disagreeable .
5 Erm interestingly enough there 's a report that Kinsey as a young man at college erm was approached by a friend who had this this terrible personal problem and er confessed to Kinsey that he kept feeling tempted to masturbate and he was very disturbed by this er so Kinsey and he prayed together that they would er together have the strength to give up masturbation .
6 He says it 's a period that appeals to him because it was both sophisticated and wicked .
7 We will meet with exactly the same words in the Hebrew again in 1 Samuel 4.5 , when the ark is brought into the Israelite camp and , the storyteller reports , ‘ all Israel gave a mighty shout ’ ( it is a pity that variations in the English translations of the verses obscure the echoes in the original ) .
8 It is a pity that debate on public services is reduced to such a silly level .
9 The fact that the duty of care is enforced at all means of course that there is a possibility that decisions with bad outcomes will attract liability , and so to that extent procedural standards might suppress risk .
10 A frequent correlate of feminist psychology 's lack of political analysis , is a conviction that changes in the purely psychological areas of perceptions and expectations can improve gender relations .
11 In effect , the requirement of the last paragraph is a requirement that visitors to museums should be initiated along a path of learning , and should be given enough information ( for example by means of captions , or via supplementary information in , say , the museum guidebook ) to enable them to proceed further , if they so desire , in a reasonably sensible and efficient way .
12 It is a perspective that Freeman in his criticism of Mead totally failed to appreciate , and one that might have reduced the savagery of his attack .
13 That phrase from An Outcast of the Islands is a reminder that Heart of Darkness was not the only Conrad novel in Eliot 's mind during this period .
14 The experience of reforms and re-organisations in the 1970s and 1980s is a reminder that implementation of change is problematical .
15 IT IS a shame that discussion of the Environmental Protection Bill will be dominated by the ill-judged decision to dismember the Nature Conservancy Council .
16 He indicated that discussion with the privately-run homes have gone very well and warned that there is a danger that homes in the voluntary sector may be left behind in negotiations .
17 Again , there is a danger that pleasure in exploiting this new tool may cause the designer to lose sight of the educational objectives of the program .
18 The terminology used in this Review ( e.g. ‘ cost centres ’ , ‘ output-led measures ’ ) suggests that there is a danger that research within UK universities might be weighted towards producing results which will satisfy accountants or statisticians , rather than scientific curiosity or national R & D needs .
19 Use of idiom was almost totally lacking in the samples of signing collected , partly because these were fixed tasks of description of pictures rather than conversational ( though even in conversations which we recorded with interpreters the signing was dominated by English ) , and partly because there is a feeling that BSL in its deaf form is somehow inappropriate for the formality of a test situation .
20 Indeed , because of its aesthetic claims — the lie of the land , the thatched cottages , the grazing livestock — there is a belief that life in the countryside must be meaningful , worthwhile , and able to support a socially desirable pattern of life for all people , whether rich or poor .
21 Business Support Services Management is a term that people throughout the company are becoming familiar with .
22 Posting some of the city 's bills to another address — ‘ load-shedding ’ , as it is called — is a remedy that appeals to New York politicians .
23 It is a fact that lists of exam results make no allowance for the academic levels of a school 's intake of pupils .
24 According to Dr. Desmond Corrigan of Dublin University , ‘ it is a fact that 40% of all drugs used at present have a folklore basis ’ .
25 Aeration is a must , more so in tanks that are 24″ ( 60cm ) deep or more , or there is a risk that gases like carbon dioxide will build up near the bottom and not be expelled from the system .
26 However , it is an approach that conflicts with traditional investment strategy .
27 Surely there is an expectation that members of the medical profession should undertake audit and research based activity ; is not this intervention a restraint of that ?
28 Leaving home should be a normal part of young adult development , but running away or leaving prematurely is an indication that life at home is no longer acceptable or bearable .
29 THERE WAS a chance that Power Of Dreams would have burned out by now .
30 ‘ There was a danger that allies of Siward 's might approach him from the south-west .
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