Example sentences of "[be] a [noun] [pron] [verb] and " in BNC.

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1 do n't be a Rodney it says , do n't be a Rodney it says and spend a Jeffrey on a cat and bob , do n't be a plonker and spend two thousand pounds that 's what he played , paid to the prostitutes , do you remember ?
2 Then I tried swimming , but what with the current and the fucking cassock — and then bang I got hit in the ribs like someone had kicked me and I thought I was a goner , it must be a rock I thought and I gave up and sort of passed out .
3 This might be a referral which presented and was interpreted as specifically for day care .
4 Er specialist trains would be an opportunity we felt and the history of er trains to emphasize that .
5 Carefully used , they were an instrument which enhanced and profited from royal authority .
6 I would think that 's a chance we took and we lost it
7 It 's a thing I love and hate at the same time .
8 ‘ This is a battle we fought and won eight years ago when hospitals in Northern Ireland agreed to stop the sale of cigarettes .
9 Yet despite what seem to be his ‘ monstrous ’ characteristics the father himself is a person who loves and is worthy of being loved .
10 This is a treaty which safeguards and advances our national interests .
11 Whether I will be part of it will depend on the new manager Rovers are appointing next week and whether it is a man I like and could work with . ’
12 A truly free press is a press which irritates and infuriates along the way .
13 A truly free press is a press which irritates and infuriates along the way .
14 It 's an oldie who disappeared and then came back
15 The floor scissors exercise is an all-rounder which stretches and tones up the abdomen and the whole of the lower body .
16 An ophthalmologist is an doctor who diagnoses and treats eye disorders by medical or surgical means .
17 I believed Courtney was a hero who liked and respected women
18 His action could simply be explained by ambition : his career in the north had shown that he was a man who liked and understood power .
19 His action could simply be explained by ambition : his career in the north had shown that he was a man who liked and understood power .
20 Stephen listened carefully to both , his head forward and down , like a horse 's hanging over a gate , which was a way he had and not altogether due to the curve in his spine .
21 When I was a bairn I loathed and feared these dogs , and as my parents often liked to get rid of me I used to stay for short holidays with both uncles , and so I saw more of the dogs than I liked .
22 The parlour door went straight onto the street , because it was a terrace you see and you go into the into the front room here and you have another door into the next room and another door into the scullery at the back .
23 " This is T. S. Eliot here , " he would say on the telephone ; it was an instrument he detested and when using it his voice had " a curiously strangled sound " .
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