Example sentences of "[conj] [ex0] [vb past] [be] [det] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Although there had been some good reports from other growers we were not happy with crop or , particularly , flavour when we first grew it last year — 1990 .
2 In regard to his relations with the Vietnamese de Lattre claimed that Bao Dai was the ablest statesman in Vietnam ; but perhaps rather spoilt things by adding that there had been several recent instances when Bao Dai ‘ had showed the proper co-operative spirit and , in some cases , even initiative ’ .
3 This time the red that flooded Folly 's face was of annoyance — until the thought occurred to her that there had been several other sets of serviceable underwear she could have chosen .
4 they did not consider that there had been enough preliminary discussion in their school prior to the review .
5 While Roel Pieper recognised that there had been some negative reaction to the merger both from Unix Labs employees and Unix Labs shareholders , as well as Unix International Inc members , he said that this was merely a human reaction to change and he felt confident that their talks in Japan and to Unix Labs members had a been able to address the concerns of Japanese customers regarding the Japanese market .
6 He led the way down the gangplank complaining vaguely to his friends that there had been some disgusting favouritism somewhere .
7 The offenders got off with unduly light sentences , and ugly rumours persisted that there had been some urgent covering-up by Deputies , and even Ministers , who had been embroiled .
8 Although the CEGB immediately denied that there had been any unreported incident at the power station , the effect of the health authority report was electric .
9 The unrest was taken sufficiently seriously to prompt vigorous attempts by senior members of the government to dampen this constant speculation about the leadership : for example , Sir Geoffrey Howe , among others , publicly denied that there had been any Cabinet-level discussion about the Prime Minister standing down .
10 The Prime Minister has again denied that there had been any direct British assistance to the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia .
11 The Court of Appeal held that the evidence did not establish that there had been any direct procurement by the defendants of any wrongful acts by the drivers or loaders or that the latter had committed any wrongful acts ; also that there was no evidence of any actual knowledge by the defendants of any contract between Bowaters and the plaintiffs .
12 Israel initially refused to comment on the report but it was finally confirmed on Dec. 28 by Arens who denied that there had been any direct contact with Iran .
13 French relief workers claimed that the Djibouti government and French army officers stationed in Djibouti had sent back a group of refugees across the border into an inhospitable desert region of Ethiopia on June 2 ; however , the French Foreign Ministry denied that there had been any forcible expulsions from Djibouti .
14 The Gnomes had gone to considerable trouble ; Culdub and Bith had sat up long hours and consulted books and chronicles and there had been much burning of late candles and worried scurryings to and fro between the Gnomes ' houses in the little mountain village .
15 And there had been that other message … she had rung Cartier to speak to someone called Michael Watney , only to be told that there was no-one called Michael Watney working there , and did she mean Michael Courteny , and if so , would she hold on ?
16 And there had been that brief time in the Wolfwood — I wo n't remember it ! thought Fenella , but she did remember it .
17 Both had been having affairs and there had been several brief separations .
18 Even if there had been another big story , it would have to be very big indeed to be bigger than this one ! ’
19 She wondered if there had been some procedural delay in charging Theo Sykes .
20 They did n't ask if there had been any strange behaviour patterns , difficulties with school work , or inexplicable changes in the usual conduct of any of the children .
21 Geneva was the centre of the terrorist trade , it was the one place where Duncan would find out if there had been any international involvement in the kidnap .
22 I asked Clem if there had been any other jingle sessions where he 'd had to recreate an original .
23 Surely she 'd have noticed if there had been any other forced entry .
24 Keir enquired whether there 'd been any other media interest in MVTR .
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