Example sentences of "[conj] [ex0] [modal v] be [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Our Minister had reminded me of a sermon by a former St. Andrew 's minister , about ‘ A Garden City , ’ where there would be realisation of the twin idelas : service and society .
2 But Hari had ambition , she wanted to raise her business to great heights ; to one day own an emporium where there would be shoes of all descriptions , serving the best customers in the country .
3 Common costing books : in some industries where there may be variation in the form of the finished product because of variation in the buyer 's specifications ( for example , industrial engines , building services ) a book may be circulated by a trade association which shows how the overall cost of the specific product variant can be calculated .
4 The need for redevelopment and reuse can also arise in the case of large country houses and estates where there may be pressure for the introduction of heritage centres or other types of leisure development .
5 Father 's going to take you to market tomorrow , where there 'll be crowds of people ready to pay for entertainment !
6 The Board also has started considering matters where there might be change in the longer term .
7 This section of land lies between the canal and the River Tame and leads along to the A5127 northeast-bound where there might be room for a vehicle to pull off the road into the gateway to load up beneath the M6 .
8 There were anonymous letters to my parents , postmarked Chippenham , Corsham , Bath and London , telling them to watch out and do something about their son or there would be trouble for them .
9 Or there may be regret for the loss of the rewards of professionalism , as in this woman 's comments about nursing :
10 The proposal may be to replace just a single building or a row of shops , or there may be plans for a comprehensive redevelopment involving a whole block or more .
11 In such cases there is a reluctance to part with the house except on impossible terms : on a short lease or without any land to give it a moderate degree of privacy ; or there may be restrictions on the uses that are allowed — community uses only , perhaps , to be financed from public funds , which are not forthcoming .
12 If the cutting edge digs in then stop immediately and cut from the other direction , or there may be danger of a piece splitting away .
13 Finding that broking in political power was more fun than selling milk , Horsley self-importantly told Kinnock he 'd better stick to his socialist principles after being elected Prime Minister , or there 'd be trouble from NoS .
14 Species of insulin is less important although there may be advantages in using porcine rather than bovine insulin ( Clark et al , 1982 ) .
15 Although there may be differences between er Professor Lock 's approach and Harrogate 's superficially I think the the mutual objective seems to be er between the two strategic site within the development plan in Harrogate district and on the access one site of the A one A fifty nine junction .
16 And I think that the argument has been that on the whole discipline the use of discipline simply to punish drinking is n't going to be appropriate , although there may be forms of behaviour produced by excessive drinking that it 's appropriate to act against .
17 Although there may be variations in the date and in the local traditions and modes of observance , Nagapanchami is still celebrated in large portions of the country according to ancient rites .
18 Although there may be reasons for seeking ‘ … without delay , powers needed to balance better ( CCW 's ) composite duties ’ , we believe greater clarity and consensus is required over what system and institutional arrangements would be best for Wales in the 21st century .
19 The significance here is that all the implied obligations under the SGA 1979 and SGSA 1982 will be avoided , although there may be liability in negligence .
20 Although there may be discussion of specific types of offence , the committees are not empowered to discuss individual cases or deal with complaints against individual officers .
21 Local authorities often charge a different fee to their own residents and ratepayers than to outsiders , although there may be concessions to former residents and community charge payers .
22 There is a substantial belief in ‘ scientific management ’ in enterprises and although there may be modifications of this basic notion it remains remarkably robust .
23 Determining the parties to a treaty is usually straightforward , although there can be problems of substance and evidence .
24 Obvious examples are unique proper nouns , such as brand names and company names , although there can be problems with :
25 For people who own gardens the simplest solution is probably a small plot , clearly marked , although there can be disadvantages to this solution .
26 Everyone is assumed to be potentially capable of having sexual relations with a person of either sex , although there could be exceptions at either end of the spectrum , that is , there are some people who are constitutionally unable to be anything other than heterosexual , and some who are unable to be anything other than homosexual .
27 From about late October this year it will be illegal to willfully damage a badger sett in Great Britain — although there will be exemptions under licence for some farming and fox hunting practices .
28 Under a poll-tax system , all adults over the age of 18 will pay a flat rate set by the local authority concerned , although there will be rebates for the less well-off .
29 Therefore , although there will be examples of honest signals , manipulatory signals are probably commoner in nature .
30 Although there will be occasions around November 4 and 14 when you feel let down , there 's no need to be completely negative .
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