Example sentences of "[conj] [ex0] [be] [adv] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 in there that there is n't in straight lemonade .
2 There can be no doubt , however , that there is more to latent inhibition than this because the effect is routinely observed both when the stimulus evokes no very marked UR ( e.g. Carlton and Vogel 1967 ; Domjan and Siegel 1971 ) and also when the CR required is quite different from the UR .
3 The experience made me realize that there is more to speechreading/ lip-reading than meets the eye .
4 Five decades of work by the Italian genius prove that there 's more to fantastic footwear than Red Or Dead ( see left ) .
5 That there 's more to Normski than his manic public persona is obvious here , with the music playing , and the beaming photos of himself and Janet Street-Porter that are propped up through the house .
6 It just shows that there 's more to demo-making than a bunch of programmers having fun .
7 The Warnock Report ( Department of Education and Science , 1978 ) stresses that there are already in ordinary classes children with special educational needs whose difficulties are not evident as severe physical or sensory handicaps .
8 You do not have to immediately join a group — it may not be what you want anyway and there is more about different options later .
9 People are people and there is more in common than there is to separate them .
10 But there is more to successful management than just picking the team or being a gifted coach , just ask Ray Harford or Mel Machin , respectively sacked by Luton and Manchester City because their public image was n't considered good enough .
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