Example sentences of "[conj] [ex0] [verb] [be] no [adj] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 But it can not be accepted that every time there is a tragedy in the Health Service , where there has been no professional neglect , that instantly there should be compensation .
2 The UK Northern Ireland Secretary Sir Patrick Mayhew and the Irish Foreign Minister David Andrews agreed on Nov. 16 that progress had been made in the talks when round-table and committee stages gave way to bilateral contacts during the past four weeks , although there had been no bilateral meeting between the Irish government and the Democratic Unionist Party .
3 It had performed similar functions to those described above , although there had been no formal constitution .
4 In December the government had announced the release of over 2,800 political prisoners [ see p. 38695 ] , although there had been no independent confirmation that all had been freed .
5 Many claims are received in respect of cigarette burns to furniture , carpets etc. and although there has been no actual ‘ fire ’ , it is generally accepted that such claims can be considered as fire damage .
6 Britain shares this changing pattern of retirement with other advanced industrial societies , although there has been no formal lowering of the age at which the statutory retirement-pension may be drawn .
7 Fighting around Kupres , in which Yugoslavian federal fighter jets have been used to attack Croat positions , is thought to have claimed more than 100 lives , although there has been no independent confirmation .
8 Although there has been no mass exodus of member firms from employer bodies , nevertheless ‘ employers have used their associations more as advisers than negotiators and have increasingly looked after negotiations for themselves ’ ( Brown , 1981 , p. 24 ) .
9 A University committee charged to investigate the case of the young lecturer determined that there had been no administrative malpractice .
10 The record in Britain , at least since the Windscale fire , showed that there had been no serious incident involving a release of radiation .
11 This , the biggest single enclave in Sussex , not only demonstrates the continued dependence of the prototype works at Newbridge on immigrant workmen , but also implies that there had been no great pool of indigenous labour to draw on in the first place .
12 Indeed , a similar interpretation was put forward by President de Klerk yesterday when he said that there had been no firm agreement on power-sharing and stressed the need for the resumption of multi-party talks .
13 However , Mrs. Buttigieg claimed that there had been no prior warnings to indicate that changes would take place over the weekend .
14 While it 's always good to know the odd tuba player ( and let's face it , most of them are ) , Chase unfortunately was a fanatic , believing that there had been no good jazz since the King Oliver band .
15 Charges that there had been no good times in England since William came in , or that William had ruined the nation , were fairly common .
16 It was a large tiled room , brightly lit and with the dry , rich smell of animal feed — it made Reynolds realise that there had been no noticeable odour in the corridor at all .
17 Frank Almond , Chief Executive of Intermediate Technology , said that Major had " missed the mark in a quite spectacular manner " , and that there had been no apparent attempt to look at what was either affordable or appropriate .
18 I repeated that I saw ‘ no case for a further round of Beeching cuts ’ and that there had been no secret talks or plans .
19 His department later confirmed that there had been no competitive tendering and that no companies apart from EDS , nor the department itself , had been invited to bid .
20 By a respondent 's notice the father sought that the judge 's decision be affirmed on the alternative ground that there had been no valid refusal by T. because ( a ) her refusal was vitiated by mistake based on false information as to the availability of alternatives to a blood transfusion and/or ( b ) in all the circumstances her refusal was not valid .
21 Others involved a reduction in the number of annual tests from eight to six , and an invitation to foreign researchers to visit Mururoa to test France 's claims that there had been no severe environmental damage .
22 It was accepted that there had been no deliberate attempt to claim for unauthorised travel , but it was obvious that the regulations had not been publicised effectively , and the section head took steps to ensure that they were more widely circulated to prevent any further occurrences .
23 The decisive factor in this case seems to have been the fact that there had been no previous contact between the child and the birth father .
24 The Court of first instance therefore decided that there had been no unfair prejudice and that a share purchase order could not be made .
25 If it transpires that there 's been no real change the detractors will be more vociferous than ever . ’
26 For all these species , therefore , it is assumed that there has been no preferential loss of jaws or teeth and that the numbers would be equivalent except for sampling errors .
27 The Institution of Civil Engineers said in evidence to the Lords : ‘ The fact that there has been no major disaster in the United Kingdom for more than 50 years should not be allowed to obscure the ever-increasing danger in the future .
28 It is difficult to be precise about the outcome , but again the general impression seems to be that there has been no significant and continuing deterioration , and some well-placed observers thought that behaviour had , on the whole , improved .
29 Its main conclusion is that there has been no measurable radiological effects on the health of local people , and that the only significant problems resulted from psychological factors , notably stress .
30 He went on to say that there has been no subsequent transfers of plutonium from the British civil nuclear programme under the UK-US defence agreement which governed that deal .
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