Example sentences of "[conj] [Wh pn] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Yet , given the opportunity and some imaginative presentation , the urban population has shown that it is capable of responding , judging by the numbers who take an interest at county shows or who turn up at the pitifully few farms which organize public open days .
2 That 's a very different response from the man whose anxiety or guilt are aroused by his partner 's tears and shouts , walks away or who gives in to a woman 's demand without trying to understand what 's ‘ going on ’ .
3 Perhaps the first task facing Mr Chris Patten , or whoever takes over from the current Governor , Lord Wilson , will be to break the deadlock over whether the People 's Liberation Army of China should set up shop in the glossy commercial heart of Hong Kong island .
4 Who goes up and who goes down in the rugby union leagues has still to be sorted out too …
5 Thus Jasper 's father might have been the man who was painting the flats and who came in for a cup of tea , or the old lover whom she happened to run into in Denmark Hill , or the neighbour who was moving out of Flat 16 and who came up to say goodbye while his girlfriend was packing their furniture into the rented van .
6 It was thus the internal policies of the United States that determined to a great extent who among the indebted nations won and who lost out in the long debt crisis of the 1980s ( Wellons , 1987 ) .
7 And who dressed up as a wino and held up the off-licence ? ’ asked Tim .
8 The present interior dates from 1852 when it was used by Emperor Ferdinand the Gracious , the last king of Bohemia who abdicated in 1848 in favour of his nephew but who lived on in the castle until his death , in 1875 .
9 But who knows out of the 20,000 people who visited the event this year , there may be similar people to my brother and me who enjoy music to the full and who could be in the top three next year !
10 To give Perdita confidence in her first chukka , he 'd put her on a dark brown pony called Chimango ( which meant bird of prey ) , who was as steady as a rock , but who swept down on the ball like a hawk .
11 There was one small group though who went through to the store area at the back of the hut and got on with something really quietly .
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