Example sentences of "[conj] [Wh det] [vb mod] have [be] a " in BNC.

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1 Len did n't answer , then a sound that could have been a sigh or which might have been a sob escaped his lips , a sound full of despair .
2 Or what should have been a chord .
3 On the other hand , providing a false diagnosis adds to patients ' disability , reinforces maladaptive behaviour , and ensures that what might have been a brief illness becomes refractory to treatment .
4 All these factors reduce the response rate , no matter how good the original sample may have been , so that what may have been a reasonable one-in-five sample to begin with ends up as nearer one-in-ten actually obtained , because of losses .
5 FEBRUARY , May and August could be seen as rehearsals for November 's main event so that what may have been a series of happenings in these months could lead to November 's denouement .
6 And what should have been a piece of gaily irresponsible nonsense becomes impregnated with evil . ’
7 And what should have been a doddle for Lord Waddington turned into a disaster .
8 If Donuel ( Domnall ) , father of Talorcan 's successors in the kingship of the Picts , first Gartnait and then Drest , could be securely identified as Domnall Brecc , formerly king of Dál Riata , Gartnait and Drest could perhaps be viewed as the beneficiaries of an alliance between the Scots and the northern Angles against the Picts ; but Donuel 's identification with Domnall Brecc is not certain , and what could have been a break in the succession of kings of the Picts occurred from 663 to 665/6 between the death of Gartnait and the accession of Drest .
9 He stared at the rows of glass jars below the books on the walls — and saw an eye staring back at him from one of them , and what could have been a human foetus in another .
10 But ultimately it is lost in a quagmire of stylistic density and what could have been a startling book ends up feeling turgid .
11 Fortune smiled on me that night , and what could have been a disaster was averted .
12 For some time now , the SARA Executive has been seeking input more generally from the rowing population for the updating of its Development Plan , but what might have been a good idea to achieve this seems set for a less than successful conclusion .
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