Example sentences of "[conj] [that] [pron] had be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The companies successfully argued that many elements of the Macintosh screen , which uses movable symbols rather than typed commands , were not original or that they had been invented by Xerox Corporation or International Business Machines .
2 The project was approved at ministerial level because it had been decided that the contract either did not significantly enhance Iraq 's military capability or that it had been signed before December , 1984 .
3 FitzAlan had done so himself , except that his had been caused by fever and …
4 A Scotland Yard spokesman said no disciplinary action had been taken against any officers and that nobody had been suspended .
5 Miss Fergusson had maintained , when they first stood before the haloed mountain , that there were two explanations of everything , that each required the exercise of faith , and that we had been given free will in order that we might choose between them .
6 Local sources insisted that all the dead had been unarmed and that they had been attacked with sharpened spades and a noxious gas , which had itself been responsible for the death of two women .
7 ’ The committee heard evidence from Stemp and from Worcestershire and were satisfied that he had not knowingly taken amphetamines and that they had been administered to him without his knowledge , approval or authority .
8 Is the Leader of the House aware that the seventh report of the Public Accounts Committee on the privatisation of Harland and Wolff was not available to Members in the House until late yesterday evening and that it had been made available to others some time previously ?
9 During the course of the campaign the Liberal leader failed to deflect charges that the early election was prompted by political opportunism , and that it had been called while the Liberals still enjoyed a lead in the opinion polls , but with an economic downturn in prospect .
10 They persuaded one sympathetic new bishop , Robert Grosseteste , that one of their claims ( that all new bishops in the province should be consecrated at Canterbury ) was genuine , and that it had been confirmed by Gregory IX .
11 But , in this case , we must suppose that he was both immoral and stupid : immoral in producing evidence which he knew to be forged , and stupid in not going further and producing the letters with their forged additions , for he would have known that a similar forgery supporting the monastic community at Canterbury had recently been submitted at Rome , and that it had been accepted and solemnly quoted to him by the pope as genuine .
12 He complained that he had not played the role that way , and that it had been tampered with in the editing for the sake of box office .
13 I complained mightily , only to be told that the stone table was a well-intentioned afterthought , erected in recent times , and that it had been removed to restore the henge to its original form .
14 He refused to elaborate on his message except to confirm that it fell within the framework of UN Security Council resolutions , and that it had been delivered to an Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister , Sa'adoun Hammadi , who had visited Tehran on Feb. 1-3 .
15 The deputy head took a similar view , saying that it was constructive , that good points had come out — for example , that relationships were good — and that it had been taken constructively by staff in general because all the things that had been criticized had already been criticized by them in the self-appraisal .
16 It was depressing to discover that the warmth of Alexei 's concern was a sham , and that it had been aimed at making him susceptible to ideas which would lead to the industrialisation of Tarvaras .
17 ‘ She told me she and Mellor had long chats about politics , and that it had been suggested by the Prime Minister that at the end of the year Mellor would be made the new Party chairman . ’
18 It was known that he had been archbishop of Canterbury between 1006 and 1012 , and that he had been killed by the Danes for refusing to pay Danegeld .
19 But the owners of the Handyman Store at High Stakesby , Whitby , told the tribunal that Mr Heselton had broken company rules and that he had been warned about his behaviour only four days before the incident .
20 The sea breeze was strong enough to mould the skirts of passing women , and Grunte , who could remember little of the events of the night , save that he had spent a good deal of money feeding the faces of his party faithful ( ‘ Pity about Hyacinth ’ ) , and that he had been seen back to the Grand after a drink or two by Leroy Burns ( ‘ Grand fellow , must see if I ca n't find him another Sierra ’ ) , gave thought to his pending performance .
21 Rousseau challenged the Christian doctrine of Original Sin ; he believed that man was by nature good , and that he had been corrupted by civilization ; savages were uncorrupted .
22 I am aware of one educated patient , with known duodenal ulcer , who had started taking this medicine for headache , believing it to be Ayurvedic and despite the facts that it is labelled as containing 530 mg aspirin and 100 mg paracetamol and that he had been instructed by his doctor to refrain from all pain-relieving medications like aspirin .
23 French maintained that he thought that the safety catch was on and that he had been struck a blow on the back of the head which had caused him to stagger and pull the trigger .
24 In his book Under Fire : An American Story , published on Oct. 22 , North avowed that former President Ronald Reagan not only " knew everything " about the Iran-contra project but also " enthusiastically " backed it , and that he had been made a scapegoat by senior Reagan administration officials seeking to protect the President and themselves .
25 He said that there had been a postal strike and that he had been trying to write to me and as the mail was getting through , I should get the letters .
26 ‘ In reaching its verdict , the commission accepted Mr Jones has issued a press statement apologising for his participation in the video and that he had been misled and badly advised , but that his actions were irresponsible .
27 It took only a couple of sessions of counselling ( and production of documentary evidence ! ) to persuade Clive that a decline in frequency of intercourse following early days of marriage is normal , that the frequency of intercourse between him and Maureen was about the " national average " and that he had been misled about both this and his own physical normality .
28 The Bath Spa said Mr Meister 's appointment was never seen as long-term and that he had been appointed to groom Mr Howard for the position .
29 Burun remembered that the man 's name was Yuan , and that he had been staying with Nogai .
30 It was believed that Humphrey was a farm worker employed on the Normanby Park estate in the distant Past and that he had been found guilty of stealing from his employers .
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