Example sentences of "[conj] [vb infin] [prep] [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 At last the boy counted out sixpences and pennies onto the counter and picked up his final selection , an elephant mask with moulded plastic tusks of extreme sharpness and a foam-rubber trunk you could raise or lower by pulling a string .
2 But equally they may include or consist of creating a fantasy world or series of events or actions , or indeed creatures , higher or lower forms of life , so that disbelief is temporarily suspended , and the fantasy seems like a different kind of reality , often momentarily preferable to the spectator 's actual experience .
3 There is a saying that one should never explain or apologise in making a speech .
4 Charles the Bald could warn or punish by leaving a trail of havoc along his line of march .
5 But the chair had been very expensive , with a foot-rest and a back that you could raise and lower by using a lever on the arm .
6 The Princesse sighed and then with a smile urged the girls to go off and unpack before having a swim .
7 ‘ I 'll go and see about fixing a meal . ’
8 Kylie and Blamey were forces to wait agonising days before the trio agreed to sit down and talk about writing a song .
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